By Adam, 11 November, 2012
iOS and iPadOS
Hi Everyone:
I recently received notice that the following updates are available on my iPhone 4S running IOS6.
Note: I haven't updated to the new IOS6.01 yet.
Face Book 5.1
Tweet List for Twitter 331 (may actually be 3.31 as voice over didn't announce a period)
Tune In Pro 3.0
Direc TV 231 (may be 2.31 as voice over didn't announce the period)
I've heard some "rumblings" (on this site & from others) that Face Book may have voice over issues after updating to the new version.
Also heard that some things don't work as well with voice over as they used to in Tune In radio.
Haven't heard anything about Tweet List or Direc TV, but wanted to note these too because I use them often.
I was wondering if anyone has some insight &/or suggestions before I attempt to update any of these programs. They all seem to be working pretty well with voice over right now, so I'm a little concerned about going forward with the updates.
I appreciate any and all assistance.