Recommend the apps that you like

By AppleVis, 26 April, 2011

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all,

I've just added a new feature to the site that enables registered users to indicate the apps that they would recommended to other VoiceOver users.

When viewing an app in the App Directory you will now see how many AppleVis users have recommended that app. Registered users will also see a link they can click to recommend the app.

You will also have the option to recommend an app when submitting it to the App Directory.

I hope that people will use this to recommend the apps that are not only accessible, but are also very good at what they are designed to do.

You can view a list of the most recent recommendations and the most recommended apps here

Please be sure to make your recommendations when you are browsing the App Directory.




By Esther on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 - 12:07

Hi David, I'm not sure how/whether to comment on this, but one of the apps that I would recommend, Instapaper, just stopped being available from the App Store in the free version (that is the one linked and posted about in the App Guide). There's an article about it in today's AppAdvice pages, "Instapaper Free: A Study in App Store Economics": It also contains a link to the developer's post on "Why Instapaper Free is taking an extended vacation". The reading is an interesting view of the issues from the developer's side. It's not clear how long the free version will be out of the App Store (it might come back eventually), but you might want to decide how to handle this in the links -- several people use the full universal binary version ($4.99, with more features), as is clear from some of the comments, so you won't want to remove the post. I had the free version and bought the full version of Instapaper, which certainly also deserves recommendation. Esther