Sendero's Mike May to Present GPS App at NFB Convention

By Michael Hansen, 3 July, 2012

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

iOS and iPadOS
FYI, Sendero's Mike May will be presenting on their new iOS app at the NFB convention tomorrow, Wednesday, July 4 at 10:40 a.m. CDT. For those not at Convention, a live audio stream will be available at



By AnonyMouse on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 23:21

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Thank you for the information. This will certainly be worth listening and see what they are offering. Do you or anyone know if this going to be an IOS GPS or a GPS that will be found on stand alone hardware?

By Riley on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 23:21

Does anyone know what time the presentation will be? I'd love to tune into it.

By Lynne on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 23:21

In reply to by AnonyMouse

From what I recall Mr. May saying, it will be an iOS app. I'm very eager to hear. Guess that makes quite a few of us.

By AnonyMouse on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 23:21

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Lynne

People are discussing something about about BreadCrumbs GPS app and I wonder if this is it or not? It will be interesting to hear about it in specific. There are so many wonderful GPS programs out there already. I wonder what it will have that these won't offer? If it something that leaves crumbs as you walk and then you can follow it back then I can see this very useful for those in a large campus at College or something. Perhaps, hiking and off road that a typical GPS wouldn't handle. It still has to offer more to convince me to buy something like this. I just wouldn't have much use for something like this.

By Michael Hansen on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 23:21

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Riley

The presentation is scheduled for 10:40 AM CDT. I'll edit the original post to reflect that.

By Juan Avila on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 23:21

In reply to by AnonyMouse

Hello, I talked to the look tell people, who are creating the Britcoms app. I am at the Texas convention, and it is a great app because you can shake your phone as if you're spilling breadcrumbs, and it will enable you to know points of interest. The seeing eye app is from Sendero, this will also be a good app as it will allow us to know what buttons are a little bit easier with voiceover. The breadcrumbs app, is more of an interesting app with other applications such as Navigon,

By Sandra on Sunday, July 1, 2012 - 23:21

In reply to by AnonyMouse

Hi Anonymouse, as has already been said, Breadcrumbs and Seeing Eye are two separate apps. LookTel has put information on Breadcrumbs as well as full documentation online at Breadcrumbs is similar to MyWay, only I find it is more user friendly and does offer a few features that MyWay doesn't have. I Like the Pocket Mode and the capability to export and share routes via Email. Lets hope Apple won't take too much time to review the app.