
By Ray Williams, 18 June, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
I want to thank apple vis for the website and information, I am newly blind and the sight has provided me tremendous help.I was wondering if anyone has done a review on the shout cast application or coducted a pod cast for the applacation. I have been a fan of shout cast for years and would like to use it on my iphone 4s as a blind dude. However I found the buttons on the application rather small and voiceover dose not reduce the volume of the music when accessing the buttons. I have contacted the shoutcast folks offering suggestins and have only revieved the general automatic reply.



By AnonyMouse on Sunday, July 8, 2012 - 00:22

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Ray, Yes, somebody has indeed submitted the Shoutcast Radio in our IOS App Directory. If you ever have any doubt you can use the Search field provided on the main page of AppleVis to find if an app has already been submitted for you to check out and review. You can find the following post on the Shoutcast Radio at: At this time there are no podcast on this particular app but you never know. Watch our podcast feed if it ever does! ;) That is always a great idea when you find an app that doesn't meet up to our accessibility needs to contact the developer. I only hope that you will have some success in doing that. So keep us posted!