Hey all,
OK, so I have been using iOS and Apple watch for several years now and I do like it.
In January I decided to go for a change, so I returned my iPhone 15 Pro as well as my Apple watch and decided to go for an Android device and a Galaxy watch. I do like the customization possibilities, but I have already lost speech several times, which I have found ways around. While most apps work OK, things take so much longer to do on the Android side, although I am very used to technical stuff and I miss the smoothiness of iOS and WatchOS. I could not even enable the screen reader on my watch without sighted help, which I don't like.
Anyone else with simular experiences? So I think I'll come back again and leave Android, although it was a nice experience but too much time consuming and the screen reader on the watch is sooooo slow to work with and does not allways react to taps. Many thanks!
welcome back to iOS
Welcome back to iOS where things just work. I would recommend the iPhone 15 pro Max.
Yeah, apple wins watches
Apple wins watches and I'm an android guy, won't even try and argue that one. I still prefer android for its better notifications and Braille display support I like more but those are preferences, there isn't an objectively better or more accessible phone these days.
Well, welcome back if you do go for it.
I did the same thing last year and wrote about it here:
Not sure exactly what you’re after when you say you’d like opinions, but there were tonnes of posts on this topic last year, with lots of comments, so a site search might be a good idea.
The best is your own. You are going to hear so many that it will confuse you. In most cases opinions are just views without facts. Do a soul search and go with what you want. Although if you come to the dark force welcome. May the Apple be with you.
No issues with it. Only issue for me is whenever I get a notification, VO also reads the time. Bug in iOS but not in iOS 16.
Yes, I feel for those who having issues. For me unlucky iOS 13 was bad. People here gave me a hard time for calling it unlucky 13.
Resource sharing time
You can hed over to blind android users or accessible android to lurn anything you want to know about android, you can also join the blind android users telegram grupe or email list to ask questions and talk to other members
You can also check out jieshuo/ commentary screenreader witch has more features and is faster then talkback
And that link is https://github.com/nirenr/jieshuo/releases
Blind android users https://blindandroidusers.com/
Accessible android https://accessibleandroid.com/
Thats all for now
I visit this site quite a bit, though I am more of a lurker than a poster. Still, some good stuff here. I especially like the post I read about replacing Samsung's TalkBack with Google's version on a Samsung device without requiring a PC.
Now if only Samsung would just stop with the nonsense. . .
I also have a pixel.
Okay so the tapping. I think the screen sensitivity is calibrated differently. Also with talkback you can't adjust the timing of the double taps, and the delay is also slightly shorter I think. There are two other screen readers for android if talkback is too slow for you. Although that could also just be the result of whatever text to speech you are currently using. Google's is noticably slower, but the voices are very very good. There are a lot of options for tts voices. More than is currently available on IOS. That's one of my favorite things about it. I'm not going to go too in depth here since this is not an android forum, but I love mine. It's been one of the best experiences I have had with android. Samsung's screen reader was extremely frustrating when I used it on an older tablet though. I like having multiple accessibility options when I do things. If there's a problem on IOS or android, I can go and see if it works on that other device.
I can do almost anything on my samsung that you can do on your iphone so stop saying android isnt accessible because it is
New iPhone 14
I just got an iPhone 14, which is my second accessible smartphone. I've not used Android, but iOS is great. I haven't had most if any of the issues with my current iPhone which have been reported here, perhaps because I have yet to enable Tap Back and maybe some other features. Additionally, I have yet to try using this phone with my NLS eReader. But so far so good on my end. As has been stated previously though, the call is yours to make.
The geek in me would love to…
The geek in me would love to get my hands on an affordable Android handset to play around some, but just can't see myself seriously switching away from iOS and everything else Apple, because I have the phone, iPad, watch, airpods, Apple TV, plus most of my home running on homekit. Can my lights and other stuff run through Google home? Sure. Do I really want to fuss with all of it? Nope, not really. The one area where I had gone with Apple and switched was with my laptop. Traded in my 2018 macbook air for an ElBraille, one of the later ones with better specs, and don't regret doing it for a second.All the stuff I use for my online radio station runs on Windows, so even when I had the mac, I spent a ton, pretty much the majority, of my time in Windows anyway. Android does tend to play nicer with Windows, especially with transferring stuff from the phone to the computer, but with iCloud Drive available on Windows even that's not the major problem it used to be back in the day. No Airdrop for Windows, but sharing a file to ICloud drive is just about as fast. I'm glad to see that Android continues to advance, should I not be able to get my hands on another iPhone when it comes time to upgrade, but am still partial to Apple hardware and software for the most part.
I was wondering so i looked up if samsung has an ecosystem like apple and they do and you can do stuff just like apple, eg the earbuds auto switch devices, cross device coppy and paste and more, super cool stuff, i would like to get more samsung devices one day to see how they all work together
Anyway sorry that was a littel off topic