VoiceOver on iPad

By Unregistered User (not verified), 2 August, 2011

iOS and iPadOS

I have an iPad. When I turn VoiceOver on touching screen doesn't work. Some
games need double click and touching , and it dosnt function well when
voiceover is on , when I turn it off I can use these games properly. I
need to know if using VoiceOver prevent me from using double tap on some
buttons. Thanks



By allseed on Saturday, July 30, 2011 - 14:20

In any ios device, that includes the ipod as well as the iphones and the ipod touches that support voiceover, it is important to understand that voiceover changes the interface. you can find info on this in the ios user guide on your device in safari under bookmarks and also, there is an explanation of what the differences are between using and not using voiceover are i the voiceover section of settings. settings>general>accessibility>voiceover. some applications are best used without voiceover, some are not accessible and some are optimized for accessibility without voiceover.