What are good apps for calling a taxi in a small town?
By Bruce Harrell, 20 March, 2025
iOS and iPadOS
Hi All,
I may soon need to use local taxis to get around in my small town in Southern Oregon, population 22,000. What apps do you find most helpful for calling a taxi?
Do you know if your town has access to rideshare services, such as Uber or Lyft? If so, I would recommend one of those, preferably Lyft if that's an option, as they tend to be more affordable than Uber. Otherwise, if you are stuck with only being able to use an actual taxi service, you may want to call your local Taxi Services, and see if they have a companion app.
Hi Brian. Thanks for your response. My small town does have UBER and LYST, according to google. I will download their apps and see if I can use them. Which app is more accessible to VoiceOver, in your experience?
I do remember Paul Martz posting a while back, about a particular checkbox being inaccessible on the Uber app, but I think an update has since fixed that. Otherwise, both apps are quite nice and fairly easy to use. You do have to create an account for both, but it is free, it's just for tracking your rides and such. There are multiple ways of pain, Like Apple Pay or PayPal, or you can use a direct credit or debit card. Do remember these are not like your typical taxis, you never will have to give them cash, unless you want to give them a tip, of course.
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Do you know if your town has access to rideshare services, such as Uber or Lyft? If so, I would recommend one of those, preferably Lyft if that's an option, as they tend to be more affordable than Uber. Otherwise, if you are stuck with only being able to use an actual taxi service, you may want to call your local Taxi Services, and see if they have a companion app.
Hi Brian. Thanks for your response. My small town does have UBER and LYST, according to google. I will download their apps and see if I can use them. Which app is more accessible to VoiceOver, in your experience?
Smile. Thanks again!
Both are decently accessible these days
I do remember Paul Martz posting a while back, about a particular checkbox being inaccessible on the Uber app, but I think an update has since fixed that. Otherwise, both apps are quite nice and fairly easy to use. You do have to create an account for both, but it is free, it's just for tracking your rides and such. There are multiple ways of pain, Like Apple Pay or PayPal, or you can use a direct credit or debit card. Do remember these are not like your typical taxis, you never will have to give them cash, unless you want to give them a tip, of course.