What is every ones fave appp to control a air frier?

By Applerocks, 13 January, 2025

iOS and iPadOS

What is every ones fave app to control there air frier



By Travis Roth on Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 21:36

I agree Cosori is good. Their app is called VeSync. It works best to link it to Alexa in my opinion, but the VeSync app can also be used. And for this exercise the VeSync can be used to link to Alexa. Note that if you use the app you have to then press Start on the air fryer. The model I have has a not tactilely discernable smooth touchscreen so this is annoying. That's why its easier to use Alexa as it doesn't require pressing Start. My model is this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B59D1J98/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

An aside: the bad thing about relying on smart apliances if there is a big outage rom either the vendor or worse yet CrowdStrike-like causes internet crashes you can't cook! I'd still prefer a machine with knobs and buttons if I could find a usable one.

By Dennis D on Saturday, January 18, 2025 - 21:36

Yes they must not sell that model any more. My experience with the Cosari support has been great. When they came out with an update to their IOS app several years ago. I contacted them and they not only fixed the app, they sent me a complimentary cooking kit to say they were sorry for the problems. Any of te Cosari air fryers should work with their app and the smart Amazon devices. You could double check, but working with Cosari and their air fryers have been a huge benefit to my cooking experience. I agree the use of the Amazon smart devices for controls is the best way to go. Just say set the air fryer to x degrees for y minutes and you can check on the app for remaining times. The app also has many suggested recipes and time and degree settings. All accessible.

By mr grieves on Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 15:36

I picked up a Cosori air fryer recently but so far am quite disappointed.

I couldn't figure out how to register it through the app - I got stuck when i tasked me for the location. I had to get a working pair of eyes to disable voiceover and press the plus button that VoiceOver couldn't see so that we could add in a location.

But once past this, the app is riddled with unlabelled buttons and images.

If you choose something to cook, the options like rare/medium rare/well done etc are all unlabelled buttons. I had thought maybe they were in the order of the preceding label, but checked with my wife and that proved not to be the case. There is a picker item near it that is not accessible. I managed eventually to get the weight put in, but I had to turn on screen recognition so I could choose the zone to cook in and get it going. Then it doesn't appear to tell you how long is left. It said "7 metres" which I think should have been minutes. 6 minutes later it said "6 metres" even though there was just one left.

When I set it up a couple of weeks ago, it said that Alexa support was temporarily disabled. So I setup Google Home instead, even though I only have one of those and lots of the echoes. I tried again today and I can't find the Alexa option at all. I tried asking google home how long was left but it didn't understand me. I think I have to ask it very specific questions. It does have suggestions in the app so it's likely just me asking the wrong thing.

The thing is at the moment I don't really know how to cook things in the air fryer - I don't know what mode to use or for how long. So I presume with voice you need to say to, say, grill for 10 minutes or whatever.

Has anyone set this up on their Apple Watch? If I go to the watch app the first screen just tells me to add a device through the app on the phone. I can't tell if this is setup or not. Maybe it's just for health things which I don't care so much about. I was hoping at least to be able to see how much cooking time was left.

I am regretting not buying the Cobalt talking air fryer a bit. I got a little excited by the thought of apps and voice support and so on, but so far I'd say it is not a good experience. You can tell the app has not had much consideration for screen reader users. I suspect you can probably pick your way around it and get use out of it once you know what you are doing but I was hoping for something a bit more than that.

I have emailed customer support so I guess I'll find out if they are interested in us or not.

By Troy on Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 21:36

I had a cosari as well but it got recalled after I had it a year. I was using it after the recall but they decided They would disabled the smart functionality. I didn't want to go through the hassle of the recall process which involved taking pictures and such so I went back to one with macanical controls.

By Dennis D on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 12:36

I have the Cosari air fryer. I needed a sighted person to setup the air fryer with my wi-fi. I was able to use the VeSync app on my iPhone. I usually control the air fryer with my voice on my Echo device. I can go to the VeSync app to see recommended cooking times for various items like potatoes and chicken. I also can see the remaining time and temp. I think I can actually set the temp and time on the VeSync app. I have not done that since I usually control the air fryer with my voice on the echo. I originally had a great experience with the Cosari support. recently I needed to contact their support and it was pretty much worthless. I love the air fryer and use it about every day. Hope you can get it to work. Just use the web to look up recipes and times for the air fryer.

By mr grieves on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 14:36

Reading back through Applevis it sounded like it was perfect, so either it has gone a bit downhill or I was just expecting too much. I think I still stupidly have similar levels of expectations than when I had sight, so hearing button button button just makes me immediately dislike something.

It is certainly possible to set the time, temperature and cooking mode, so that is probably the best way to go.

The Google voice just seems a bit badly done - in that I think it requires you to use the names of the devices it has set up with very specific commands that I have immediately forgotten after putting down the app. So I'm not really sure how to refer to each device or what to say. Hopefully this will come. Maybe Alexa support is better. Certainly that was one of the advertised features that made me want to buy this so I will be upset if it is not coming back.

A couple of basic questions. Am I supposed to pre-heat this before use?

We've tried cooking a few things. The first was grilled and came out less well done than expected, although it was tasty. Later we tried cooking some chips that had air fry instructions on the back. They came our mostly pretty burnt. In hindsight we should have checked how it was going. We did manage to cook some other potatoes that came out pretty well but my wife just freestyled.

I'm not supposed to pre-heat it before use am I? There is no pre-heat option so I don't think so. Also, does it require that you stop and move the food around half way through or something?

And has anyone else set up APple Watch support? If so, what does it actually do?

Sorry I seem to be hijacking this thread - maybe I should have started a new one.

By Lee on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 16:36

When I used this a couple of years ago it worked reasonably well. On the Vesync app the recipe tab was the only thing that was almost impossible to use. Have you tried labelling the buttons yourself? Most times I find in apps that custom labels we set up stick even after a shutdown of the app. Oddly not always stick when the app does an update. Maybe worth giving it a go though.

By Dennis D on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 20:36

Okay here is a couple responses to your questions:
Q: A couple of basic questions. Am I supposed to pre-heat this before use?
Response: Yes if the recipe asks. I usually just turn the air fryer on for a couple minutes at the recommended temp

Q: I'm not supposed to pre-heat it before use am I?
Response: I have used the Alexa app and actually ask the air fryer to preheat. I have never waited for it to stop pre heating. I just turn the air fryer on for a couple minutes, as I stated above.

Q: Also, does it require that you stop and move the food around half way through or something?
Response; I just usually pull the basket out and give it a nice shake at about half way through the cooking cycle.

Q: And has anyone else set up APple Watch support? If so, what does it actually do?
Response: I looked at that option and could not figure it out.

I have mainly cooked French fries, chicken wings, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, and salmon steaks in the air fryer. I just write down the recipes and the cook times and temp. If I overcook or under cook something, I just adjust the temp or time and update my notes. I only use the VeSync app as a starting point for cooking. I also spend a lot of time looking up recipes on the web.
Also, I have used both Alexa and Google devices. I have found the Alexa devices much easier to use for controlling the air fryer.
Hopefully this helps