Which app for using GPS is the best and why?

By Maya, 16 December, 2011

iOS and iPadOS
Hi. I would like to ask you what do you think, which is the best app for GPS and why? I would like to heard as many opinions as possible. When you decide to share your experience, could you also please tell us what features does it have or at least could you recommend a website where we can learn details about the app? I'm looking forward to your post.



By Eileen on Thursday, December 29, 2011 - 12:48

Check out the Blind Cool Tech website for podcasts. I think the podcast is misnamed IPhone 4 but it really discusses gps apps there is a recent sequel by Mike Arizo as well. Not sure I am spelling his name right. Also the Access World app has coverage in past issues for stand alone gps units.
Also, check the app directory, then click on navigation. Or just search this site for gps. Note that you can buy just a section of the US maps for half the price of tghe full UUS maps. I have used Navigon to get myself unlost in my neighborhood. The maps are not quite accuragte enough in my area to allow me to pin point a specific home for play dates but it will at least get me to the right street where I can call the parent and they can call to me from their front step. Have fun. It's incredibly liberating to know that I won't become hopelessly lost and have to wait for hours for my guide dog to become bored and finally steer me home. LOL