who prefers the native twitter client over Twitterrific

By Applerocks, 29 May, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

who loves the twitter client over Twitterrific on iOS?



By Gerardo on Saturday, June 8, 2019 - 05:31

Lately I’ve been gravitating to Twitter’s official app, especially after Twitter stopped pushing notifications to 3rd party apps, but also because on the official app, when you’re on top of a tweet, VoiceOver tells you how many replies, retweets and other info the tweet has; if you double-tap on the tweet, it takes you directly into the tweet and you can see the replies which with Twitterific I was never able to get this info.
also about the Official Twitter app, when you’re within a follower’s profile, and you want to Create a new tweet, in which you mention the follower, or the person in whose profile you’re in, Twitter automatically autofills the name of the person! Also it autofills the edit field within the Trendy Topics, which Twitterific doesn’t do either.

By bryan mcglashan on Saturday, June 8, 2019 - 05:31

I use the twitter official app and have no issues with it. I’m able to interact with tweets pretty well.


By Greg Wocher on Saturday, June 8, 2019 - 05:31

I prefer Twitterrific. The main reason has to do with when I look at my feed in the morning after being asleep. I will go thru a few tweets and then I get the show more tweets button on the native twitter app. It skips over something like 6 hours worth of tweets. Other than this the native twitter app is pretty good especially since they put the links from the tweets in the actions rodar.

By Jimmy V on Saturday, June 8, 2019 - 05:31

I use the official twitter app for notifications. Works really well

By Siobhan on Saturday, June 8, 2019 - 05:31

Hi all. Double tap as if answering a call. That starts a new tweet. I think you have to switch it on. well worth it. I miss tweets going to third party aps. I liked when it vibrated and made a sound when posting, ro other behaviors.

By Erick on Saturday, June 8, 2019 - 05:31

I use both. However is the Twitter app on the mac? I hope so so I can get it. thanks.