Amazon on mac lately

By Moopie Curran, 13 December, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

Has anybody else been having significant troubles with on safari on mac lately? I'm using mac OS 15 Sequoya. I can't navigate by headings anymore, and voiceover searches don't work, it's awful. If anyone has been having issues, I urge you to contact amazon, although they probably don't care, lol. Also, if anyone is having issues with it, are there any work-arounds?



By Siobhan on Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 23:47

First, they have keyboard shortcuts. Shift option C takes you to the cart, I think shift option slash takes you to the search field, though I tab through. what bugs me is when the results load, you're stuck in Windows spots or something like that and no way to get out of them. You have to command tab out, the hope it works. I'll stick with the app. Go through the keyboard shortcuts, it's the first level two heading. That might help.

By mr grieves on Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 23:47

The way I use the Amazon UK site at the moment is to go to the top of the page (VO+Shift+End) then VO+right and there are some links to skip to important bits of the page like product detail, and purchasing options. I've found for a while that the Amazon site - and app - do make it really difficult to find the actual buy button sometimes.

I do find I struggle in particular when viewing books, and I tend to reach for the app on my phone at that point. But even there it is still a bit of a faff to find some things.

I don't think I've tried this, but I would also suggest giving Chrome or Microsoft Edge a go. I am finding that Chrome is coping in situations where Safari cannot these days.

By Alicia Krage on Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 23:47

I'll keep it professional here and just say I am not a fan of Amazon, at all. In my personal opinion the app is just as disorganized.

I used to love the site on the mac, honestly. Six months ago or so, it was great on here. Now it's a disaster to navigate.

I wish I had tips but I don't. Only time I use Amazon is during the holidays and it stresses me out so much. Otherwise I use voice shopping on Alexa. That's it.

By Brian on Saturday, December 14, 2024 - 23:47

Why not just use the accessible Amazon site? Unless they have taken it down? (us) (UK)

It's not perfect, but at least heading in such work.


By Oliver on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

I reported this to apple accessibility:

[email protected]

but they said they couldn't recreate the issue. If others could send in then there might be some movement on the issue. It is especially difficult when viewing books, kindle or otherwise.

By MelodicFate on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

It's the kindle portion of Amazon that I'm really struggling with right now. When I click on a book's link, all info about the book is hidden behind sponsored ad frames. If I tab through, I can see some stuff, but it's awful. There are like 4 frames with ads in a row if I navigate by arrows(I use quick-nav).
It makes looking at Kindle books on Mac awful. I can't even see prices anymore.

By MelodicFate on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

It's the kindle portion of Amazon that I'm really struggling with right now. When I click on a book's link, all info about the book is hidden behind sponsored ad frames. If I tab through, I can see some stuff, but it's awful. There are like 4 frames with ads in a row if I navigate by arrows(I use quick-nav).
It makes looking at Kindle books on Mac awful. I can't even see prices anymore.

By Siobhan on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

Not sure how, but you posted twice. I use the app to buy, or i also will use headings. It might help. Plus, I hit K to go into the kindle store then tab past the search, go back, write my search term then go by headings, click and see what I get from there. sorry this isn't more helpful, coffee hasn't been consumed yet.

By MelodicFate on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

I didn't think it saved the first time, so I did it again. Then when I clicked edit, I found no way to delete.
I used to go by heading too, but literally all I'll see unless I tab around is 4 sponsored ads featuring other books. It's a pain. Sucks you can't just buy Kindle books in the Kindle app.
Either way, Amazon's got serious work to do.

By mr grieves on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

I had a closer look. Firstly, it seems that the skip links don't appear for books. But I have seen them before for other things and they are useful.

Anyway, I tried using Chrome and found a book, and it navigated by heading fine. I took the same thing over to Safari and it just couldn't cope.

So I definitely think it's worth giving Chrome or Microsoft Edge a go.

By Brian on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

It's a wonder anybody still uses Safari as a web browser anymore. At least as far as macOS goes. Who knows, maybe one day Chrome will be the default browser for macOS.
Wouldn't that be something?

By mr grieves on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

For a long time I've felt that Safari was slightly less bad than Chrome on the Mac. I flip flopped between them quite a lot - whenever I found a bug in one I'd try the other and between the two I'd usually get things done.

But I can't remember the last time that I had to ditch Chrome for Safari, whereas I am constantly having to go the other way.

Safari is really only my main browser of choice these days out of habit and laziness but I don't think I'm far off ditching it.

As mentioned, Microsoft Edge is basically the same as Chrome and does have lovely Microsoft natural voices if you fancy using them to read a long article for you. Another topic on here was suggesting Brave which I've not tried but seems to also be a Chromium based thing so should work the same.

There's also Firefox which has come a long way recently. I think it's still in third place but more options is good.

I'd be worried about having a Chromium based browser as default on the Mac. I think it's perfectly possible Apple could do a Microsoft and switch their engine to it. But for me this reduces the options we have and exposes us to more risk. I'd rathe Apple just pulled their fingers out and put some effort into Safari.

By Oliver on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

The issue with shifting away from safari is access to passwords. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but, when I want to access keychain passwords I've got to authorise every single session, which is nuts. It's really the only thing keeping me on safari.

Also, counterpoint, report this to apple. I dont' like the idea they cripple safari so much that we have no other choice. I don't like that sort of business.

By Brian on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

As I have mentioned before it's been a while since I've turned on my MacBook, but I do like using Firefox on my PC laptop. And it's password feature is pretty decent, and syncs well with the Firefox app for iOS, along with the password syncing. So, that is something to consider. I imagine chrome or Microsoft edge is probably the same when it comes to syncing passwords across devices.

I agree Ali, I'm not really sure what Apple is doing with VoiceOver on macOS these days, to be honest. And I mentioned VoiceOver, because as I'm sure we all know by now, Safari works absolutely fine in macOS ... if you can see!

By Greg Wocher on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

Hello all,
If you go into your safari preferences and turn off java script, the amazon site works a little better. I think the big issues with amazon and safari has to do with all the A I features amazon seems to be adding. For some reason these are causing chaos with safari. I can use amazon just fine on any of the other browsers on the mac.

By Blade Runner on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

Turning off cursor tracking solves most of these issues in Safari. It allso helps to install the addblock extension.

By Teresa on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

Shift-VO-f3 will toggle cursor tracking. I haven't tried password fields with it, but I suspect if you needed to down-arrow for suggestions, you could manually route a visual cursor to the VO cursor when needed

By Teresa on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

There is a heading level 2 on the page you land on after saving a comment that says "status message" to indicate you have posted.

By mr grieves on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

I tried to place a repeat order on the Amazon site today with Safari and I've got to say it has become totally unusable. I was managing it OK buying Christmas presents a couple of weeks ago, but this time I just couldn't manage it at all. For starters, it kept getting locked into adverts on the home page - refreshing a few times did eventually allow me in, but for a while I couldn't even get to the search box or my previous orders. And even when I finally did manage to get there, the process of going from a previous order to the item was impossible. I tried it on the app and got a bit further. I also tried doing a search on amazon and it was just not happening.

So I tried Brave (which is basically Chrome). I had installed it this last week I think but not used it for much, certainly never on Amazon. I went to sign in, told it to use my passkey and I then had to grant Brave access to my keychain. And then I was in.

And it's basically an entirely different web site. I was able to find the product I want and place my order without any trouble.
I think I've just about had it with Safari at this point. But if you aren't ready to jack it in yet, I would suggest installing a Chromium browser of some sort and then just use it for the sites that aren't working for you - even if it's just Amazon.

By Siobhan on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

Is anyone else after searching unable to switch to headings when the results page loads? When I search, it says the page but when I Voice Over U it says window spots, and goes down from the address bar to the main content. to fix this, I have to turn vO off, then back on. annoying to say the least. I don't know all about the turn off and on cursor tracking or whatever that is so maybe the problem's between keyboard and chair? :)😊

By mr grieves on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

I don't use the rotor much, but a lot of the time when I navigate by heading in Safari it just doesn't find anything. So I'm guessing it's the same problem. That's the main reason I stopped using quick nav - it wouldn't find a heading and then it was a hassle to try to find somewhere where I could then go back and select headings again.

I think if Safari doesn't see that there are any headings, then it just drops off the rotor.

By Siobhan on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 23:47

If you turn off voice over, then on again, navigate by window spots then over to links, headings, everything shows up. It's just odd. There's no rhyme or reason. Has anyone done this on a Windows box? I'd be interested if JFW or NVDA might be giving them problems.

By Dennis Long on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 23:47

Take a screen recording of this happening. Send it to apple accessibility or if you are on the betas include it to your bug report. This will help Apple.

By Brian on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 23:47

That you cannot delete macOS applications, like you can't iOS applications. Otherwise I would just say delete Safari and get on with life. Lol

By Blindxp on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 23:47

we’ve been reporting for years, and still no fix. Plus not everybody knows how to do a screen recording on macOS. It’s not exactly that easy either.. I tried it a few months ago and for some reason there was no audio at all. So it’s not like as simple as iOS.

It’s also just a disregard for macOS accessibility on Apple’s part.

By CuriousNetEntity on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 23:47

Yes, I took a break from shopping during most of December and now when I need to urgently buy something from Amazon it is impossible.

Maybe I shouldn't admit this, but I wwas n Amazon shopping expert. I loved Amazon shopping on my Mac in Safari. It was really quick and easy. I noticed I also seemed to be far more successful at using it efficiently than every other person I knew. Yes, I occasionally needed a sighted person to confirm some details in pictures of products if how something looked was the most important thing about it. Otherwise I was good.
The only exception was actually purchasing a kindle book. That caused an ad to take over everything and made it impossible.
Now the whole site is so busy advertising things I don't need and aren't particularly related to my search that nothing can possibly be accomplished.
I agree Apple needs to work on Safari, but this problem should be thrown at Amazon. Amazon obviously changed their site to be completely stupid in the last month.
The whole internet is certainly becoming total crap because of greed, even more ads, and AI, which is automated idiocy much more than artificial intelligence.

Don't tell me that Amazon couldn't make those ads and worthless suggestions less intrusive so that
VoiceOver could function. It did last month after all.
Headings, buttons, and hotkeys existed and functioned just as one would expect.
I didn't update my Mac since then.

I'm calling Amazon accessibility help tomorrow at
to complain.

By Oliver on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 23:47

It's an Apple issue, not Amazon. The site works okay in Chromium browsers. Contact Apple:

[email protected]

They are aware of the issue, but the more of us who report it, the sooner it will get fixed. As I say, in the meantime, get a Chromium browser and create a web app of Amazon, then copy it to your app folder. It's like having the Amazon app on your phone. It's not ideal as you can't easily follow links from other sites to it, but if you are looking for something specific, it's a way to do it.

The frustration here for me is I reported this behaviour about four months ago, and Apple accessibility claimed they couldn't reproduce it. Now they can. I just wonder at their competency sometimes. I get there are probably a lot of people writing in with problems based entirely on user error; things are harder for people without sight, but that brush-off is highly annoying.

The best advice is to be polite, be accurate, provide the steps required to recreate the issue, and it will have a better chance of being kicked up the line. Poor grammar, bad spelling, and lack of clarity will likely result in whoever is fielding the inbox giving a canned and useless reply.

By Sebby on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 23:47

It doesn't excuse the ongoing enshittification of Amazon, of course, but yes, the fact that Chrome does actually work in this case is a sad indictment of Safari. I am however reluctant to make a Chromium browser the default, that would be a step too far given the content blocking that makes browsing in Safari bearable.

So report it to Apple and Amazon and either use Chrome or your iPhone or Windows VM/box. That's the state of play right now.

By Joyfuljules on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 23:47

Today was the first time I could actually navigate Amazon normally without all the insane ads getting in the way. I was able to search for a product and read about it without much trouble at all. It wasn't a perfect experience, but it was light years better than it has been over the past few months.

By Justin Harris on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 23:47

Thanks for that update. I've been avoiding Amazon on Safari like the plague. 🤣 Will give it a look.

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 23:47

If I go to amazon using Safari, enter search terms, and press enter, attempts to navigate the search results by heading using VO+Command+H fail, as if VoiceOver can't find any headings. If I toggle VoiceOver off and back on, everything works fine.

When filling out the Apple report card survey, be sure to cite this issue specifically. But more importantly, point out that it should have never appeared in a production release in the first place.

By Oliver on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 - 23:47

I meant to post on this. It does seem better for general shop browsing but still doesn't behave properly when looking at books.

I'm not sure where the improvement has come from, safari/apple or amazon, as I don't think there's been an update for mac OS since we noted and reported the issue.

If you're still experiencing the issue, like I am with the kindle book buying, email:

[email protected]

Of course, fill in teh report card so others know of the issue, but it's probably better, if you can't do both, to go direct to apple. I'm hoping apple will, again, take notice of the report card, but it can't be assured.

By Bobcat on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 17:47

I was using the iOS Amazon app, which worked fine until a couple months ago. Now it's practically impossible after doing a product search. ads keep talking and won't shut up. I have not found any mechanism voiceover to fix this. I switched to using Safari on my phone, but ran into the same problem. So I tried using various browsers and screen readers in windows. Guess what? Most of the same problems.

Focus jumps all over the place. Navigating by headings is. Erratic, unpredictable, gets stuck
Ads repeat over and over again, interrupting, and cutting off other speech and making navigation nearly impossible.
We need a single point of contact at Amazon to deal with this. It's not just Apple.
I'm working on doing screen recordings to demonstrate the problem to Amazon and Apple; but I am having a whole heck of a lot of trouble doing it right.

The potential loss of a few customers probably doesn't bother Amazon at all, but we need to advocate anyway. Amazon shopping has become very important to me and I'd hate to have to switch to some other platform that isn't even may be available in Canada.

By Bruce Harrell on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 17:47

When I arrow through search results, every time I arrow down I get an ad that VoiceOver reads instead of reading the serch result item. It's made me shop elsewhere.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 19:47

I confirm.

By Brian on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 22:47

Perhaps this is where comes into play, when Amazon fails us with ad spammage and inaccessibility. 🤷