Hello, I recently created an audio hijack session with logic, voiceover, and my microphone, going into three separate files.
I was able to create the session just fine, and when I start recording the files, everything seems to be fine.
When I load the three files up in my audio editor that is multi track, for some strange reason after a little while and no editing at all, my VoiceOver track seems to get a head of itself.
Everything else is still in line, but the voiceover track seems to be further along in the project.
Does anybody have any idea why this might be happening? I have the files all at the same bit rate and sample rate.
Although, I don't think that that would have anything to do with it when I say the voice of the track, I mean the track that has VoiceOver speech on it. The logic and my microphone files seem to stay in sync with each other. This is very strange. I even exited the project, and reloaded all three files with no editing to make sure that I was hearing what I thought I was hearing they all start at the beginning of the timeline so they should be perfectly in sync since the session is recorded at the same time. Any thoughts?
By Edward Alonzo, 29 December, 2020
macOS and Mac Apps