I am running Numbers Version 3 on my MacBook Pro with Yosemite.
Numbers recently updated to 3.6 (2557).
Although Numbers was not perfect prior to the recent update I have noticed a new bug related to column and row headers.
Prior to the update I could set the row and column number that I wanted as headers and the header would be read out as I moved inside that table.
Now when I set the heading row or column numbers it tells me when I am in a header row or column but does not read out the heading wen I am navigating within the table.
Fore example if I set the number of header rows to 3 and columns to 1, when I move up and down column A it t reads out the content of the cell plus "row header cell". If I move to Column B and move up and down it will read to the contents of each cell but not the header information in column A.
The same happens when i move horizontally. it will read the cell content but not the header infermation.
Is anyone else having this issue?