By Rocco, 22 January, 2014
macOS and Mac Apps
This is a rather odd question, and one that I have yet to solve, so I thought I'd reach out to the AppleVis community, to see if anyone could figure this out. I have an external hard drive that appears on my mac's desktop every time it is plugged in. For a while, it was the first icon on the desktop, which is the way I wanted it to stay. About 2 days ago, I added a few files to the desktop, and immediately, all of my icons, including the external hard drive icon, got completely rearranged into a random order. For the heck of it, I reinstalled Mavericks, to see if that would help and it did not. I also looked at the view options in the view menu of Finder, to no avail. Is there a way to sort of "drag and drop" desktop icons to where you want them? (similar to moving app icons in iOS?) I also tried to drag and drop with VoiceOver, but it would not drop the icon anywhere, it just said "drag failed." any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!!
The only thing I can think of
one more thing
I tried dragging items from
a work around
Thank you...I was just trying
Lol!. there probably is a