Can somebody please explain the steps for adding a widget on Big Sur?
After entering edit mode I am able to browse available widgets; and when I perform VO+Space on a widget and then VO+J I am taken to what appears to be the description/preview of that widget.
What I haven't yet been able to figure out is the next step... adding a widget to the widget screen.
I haven't been able to find any combination of keys which will bring up a menu on the desired widget; and I've also not been able to drag and drop a widget from the list of available widgets to the list of active widgets.
Is this even possible? Or am I simply missing the obvious?
Thanks for any advice ☺️
how to edit widgets
How do you get to browse these widgets
Accessing available widgets
To get to the list of available widgets you first need to open the Notifications Center (VO-O). Now locate the Edit Widgets button and VO-Space on this.
If you now use VO-J you should be able to locate a grid that contains the available widgets and a Done button.
OK, and thanks, Eileen. I opened notification with vo-o, vo-spaced on the edit button, pressed vo-j, and b browsed the list of widgets, but alas, nothing I did after that changed a thing. I couldn't add or delete any of them. For example, I wanted to permanently delete screen time from notifications. I couldn't. I tried everything I could think of.
What do I need to do to add or remove widgets from notifications?
Thank you,
Removing active widgets
It is possible to remove or edit enabled widgets.
To do this you need to perform a right click on the desired widget.
Unfortunately, the usual shortcut of VO-Command-M does not work here.
Neither apparently does the VoiceOver action menu.
What I do is place the VoiceOver cursor on the desired widget.
Then i move the mouse pointer to the location of the VoiceOver cursor with VO-Command-FN5 (note this won't be necessary if you have your Mac configured so that the mouse pointer automatically follows the VoiceOver cursor).
I then use the trackpad on my Mac to perform the right click.
This brings up the menu which you can then access and navigate as normal.
Hope this helps ☺️