Issues with dock and voiceover on Mac OS 15.3

By Mert Ozer, 4 February, 2025

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi folks:

I sent this feedback to apple accessibility e-mail address. Do you have the same problems? Any ideas?


On macOS 15.3 with the MacBook Pro M4 Pro (12 CPU/16 GPU, 512GB SSD), there are issues with VoiceOver’s interaction with the Dock. Here are two examples and their expected behavior:

Issue 1: Keyboard Input Still Affects Websites When Using the Dock
1. Open a YouTube video with volume enabled.
2. Press VO+D to navigate to the Dock, then immediately press M to locate an app like Mail or Messages.
3. The YouTube video mutes because the M key is still processed as a website shortcut, despite VoiceOver being focused on the Dock.

Expected Behavior: macOS should prevent websites from receiving keyboard input as soon as the VoiceOver cursor moves away from Safari (in this case, to the Dock).

Issue 2: Stuck in Dock When Finder Is the Only Open App
1. Close all apps except Finder.
2. Press VO+D to go to the Dock.
3. Move to an app but don’t open it—press Command+Tab to return to Finder.
4. Instead of switching to Finder, VoiceOver remains in the Dock.
5. Pressing VO+Shift+D moves focus to the Desktop, but Finder shortcuts like Command+Shift+A (Applications) or Command+Shift+O (Documents) stop working, and VoiceOver fails to interact properly.

Expected Behavior: VoiceOver should be able to switch back to Finder from the Dock. This issue only occurs when Finder is the only open app.

While these may seem like specific use cases, they significantly impact navigation. As a longtime iPhone user who recently switched from Windows to Mac, it’s disappointing to see macOS accessibility lag behind iOS, which has a much stronger focus due to its mainstream adoption.

I hope these issues can be addressed soon. Thank you for your time and assistance.



By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Reported already and known since the early beta of 15.3 if not 15.2. I am impressed by the cleanliness of your report. You can do vo escape to return to the previous app#context but for the focus to be back you ideally want to do cmd tab to navigate between apps.

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Thank you! Yea; but if there is no other app open except finder then command+tab doesn't work either. There are just so little weird bugs I face daily and kind of ruin the whole experience...

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

I am also looking for an efficient way to navigate and review text on websites. It's usually doable in Safari using the arrow keys for character/line navigation and Option + arrow keys for word navigation. However, VoiceOver sometimes randomly splits words when moving by word, and this solution only works in Safari.

When I use Google Chrome, I first have to interact with the text, which is fine. I can then use VO + right/left arrows to move by word or VO + Shift + left/right arrows to move by character. However, in a long paragraph, VO + up/down arrows don’t work—it doesn’t move line by line.

Do you guys know any way to navigate line by line in Chrome instead of by paragraphs?

By Dennis Long on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Nice job on the bug report. You were clear and concise. You gave clear and good examples. You stated expected result and actual results. That should help. You may in some cases have to submit other files but if you need to do so apple accessibility will let you know. again nice job!!!!!!!!!

By Brian on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

I have a couple of suggestions.
First, has anyone tried pressing VO plus D a second time, once they are already in the dock? I am asking this with the consideration that on iOS if you have a gesture to get to the status bar, or you use BSI to get to the status bar, and use either gesture or command a second time, it gets you back to your last position. I am just wondering if VO plus D a second time might do the same thing in the latest macOS? Apologies I cannot test this out myself, as my old MacBook Pro is locked in at macOS 12 (Monterey). And there, I don't have these issues.
Secondly, can you interact with text in Safari to navigate character by character/word by word? Just asking here. 🙂

By Tyler on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I also am aware of users reporting issues with the Dock, but as I very rarely use it, I don't know exactly when these issues were introduced or what the expected behavior is in all cases. However, as an alternative to the Dock, I use VoiceOver commands to open my most-used apps, which works flawlessly for me. You can configure this in VoiceOver Utility > Commands. For more detailed information and an audio demonstration of how this is done, check out the AppleVis podcast episode "A Demonstration and Walkthrough of VoiceOver Command Customization on macOS."


By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Hello, yes. I tried VO Plus D the second time, but it doesn't solve the issue. Also, yes I can navigate the text after interacting on Safari, but it's not entirely Reliable. Do you know how to navigate line by line within a paragraph after interacting with a text? I tried VO plus up/down arrow, it doesn't work.

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Hello, thank you very much. I am aware of that feature in VoiceOver, and I already have some commands for certain apps, but I would really love for VoiceOver to work as it’s supposed to. I don’t understand how a company that has full control over its software and hardware cannot ensure accessibility, while on the other hand, thousands of Windows copies work flawlessly with a free program called NVDA. I’m loving my Mac, except for VoiceOver. It’s only been a day since I started using it, so I’m sure it will get better.

By Brian on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Here are some reading tips for you:
1. Reading by Sentence: VO + S
2. Reading by Line: VO + L
3. Reading by Word: VO + W
4. Reading by Character: VO + C

Note that these will read the attribute that VO has focus on. In other words, if VO is on the word Apple, it will read characters, words, etc where that word is, because that is where VO is focused.

Below is a guide where I got my info.


By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Thanks, Brian; but I already know all these. My question is as to how I could navigate line by line when using google chrome. VO+L only reads the current line; no more than that. There are somethings that Voiceover does really well; but other little things voiceover sucs, it's sooo wier.d

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

thank you very much; I tried to be as clear as possible so they could work on it sooner than later...

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

For line specifically, note that words and characters won't follow like on ios but you can add the line option in the web rotor.

By Brian on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Apologies, I have very little experience with chrome on macOS. The normal line by line reading is done by VO plus up/down arrow, but as has been mentioned already, that does not seem to work on Google Chrome.

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

I did add the line option into rotor; but that line rotor doesn't synchronize with other navigation such as characters and words. Ugh so so frustrating; mac is for professionals but can't handle voiceover web navigation, such an insult.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

My point exactly.
This company since I've purchased the mac has made me uncomfortable on the web while it's completely their fault. Things with amazing accessibility like the desmos calculator are horrible just because VO devs randomly decided to add a disturbing, hardcoded sound for a specific aria event I don't have enough knowledge to name but which ruins the experience on everything, plus VO being so sluggish in just an empty new document inside vscode because of VO skill issues. Whenever I have to do serious web stuff I'd always choose Windows. I can barely survive with google docs when I really have to but...
Before you yell at me, yes, most if not everything I report here has already been reported to Apple in feedback as well a11y@apple. Time will tell if this was worth it. Even then for some very specific things I'd rather choose my mac than windows and recently I've been using my mac much much more than I ever expected so... Like who would have ever seen the plot twist of math content being better on the mac than with nvda on windows? See their latest release notes. I thought that something was wrong with windows, but no. Plus that thing with the latest bug patched has never been more stable. interaction is messy but at least it does work.
Sorry if it's off topic.
PS: those who no longer have a mac should be advised to triple check the latest non existant documented pile of bugs to avoid spreading misinformation in an already ugly messy software that is Voiceover, please. I started on ventura and even then vo up/down arrow was never working inside any browser safari or chrome, just in preview. If it did earlier then... This is just apple.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Yeah this is terrible. That's why when possible I'd always interact with the text which is indeed random on the web no matter which browser you choose.
I come from a windows background and in my 1.5 years I've developed horrible 10x workarounds to be able to sincerely smile when using the mac, if you ever need help don't hesitate to dm me. I'd also recommend renaming this topic as something like bugs encountered for a new mac user 2025 edition (half joking here) which might help other see the accessibility landscape for a newcomer in 2025, but it's up to you. Just saying that cause we left the dock problem since a while already.

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

Man, I was trying to select multiple conversations in Messages yesterday. LITERALLY, I used the trackpad to select the conversations while holding the Command key, and when I was able to select whatever I wanted, I felt like I had found the purpose of my life… Like, I was the best technician or detective ever! I mean, I used to develop websites by coding JavaScript and PHP, but it had been a long time since I felt this satisfying feeling. I feel like my MacBook would be perfect if I didn’t have to use VO, but I’ll keep using it, hoping it gets better. Does it ever?

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

So, there is just no way of navigating line by line on Chrome other than using the ridiculous line rotor as if we don't have million keyboard shortcuts/combinations? Is it real that Apple have yet to figure out making the web accessibility ok? Wow I must've taken it for granted when I was using NVDA, a free 20MB software, superpower.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

With f7 you get chrome own keyboard cursor something that most windows users don't even know cause there sr parse in a virtual buffer or something but it don't sync with VO even when routing the cursors together with vo. There are clever workarounds but very slow. For example I had the orca mailing list in freelist open on chrome and to select the email address to subscribe to the digest interacting and selecting wasn't working, nor any VO selection modes so I have to enable caret browsing which is essentially the Always Allow Keyboard Commands To Navigate Websites of VO but native to chromium and other browsers and that aside the focus problem work better than the crap of safari where it doesn't know how to be linear or not stuck in infinite loops and other weird behaviors I am not paid well enough to report for Apple each second. (and other problems)
I do dev on my mac and slowly getting use to it but I can't recommend this in good faith to most people.

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

You know what, the feature is great and fast... But it doens't sync with VO cursor is... Omg why do I always get my hopes up and then... I have a vm windows on my mac but the audio and keyboard is not that responsive. Actually everything works super super fast; but I guess the keyboard interaction is not that fast; keep in mind I'm on an m4 pro macbook pro with 24 gb... Maybe Parallels would work better instead of VMWare; Idk. Sorry for the bad english grammer btw, I'm not native plus too tired to correct it right now.

By Brian on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

All issues resolved! 😆

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, February 10, 2025 - 05:17

with how people use their mac here (not all but more than some) a chromebook would just perfect for them everything considered except for mathml. For dev you have a full wsl like thing.

By Stoo on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

I upgraded the OS yesterday and came across the same issues, so thank goodness I'm not going mad!

After the update I was getting incredibly annoyed at focus being stuck in the dock when trying to do file management with Finder.
At least this has helped me in realising that I'm not alone and it's a recognised issue.

I am currently toggling Voiceover on and off to reset focus to the Finder window, which seems to be a work around.
However as soon as you interact or perform certain actions it loses focus and throws you back to the dock again.

Something this easily experienced really should have been picked up and rectified before now, but hopefully gets sorted ASAP in the next update.

By Mert Ozer on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

I have reported the issue to Apple; I even sent an audio/screen recording to demonstrate the steps, but they were unable to reproduce the issue, which is just ridiculous. However, they told me that they forwarded the issue to the related team. I hope it gets resolved soon.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

Well at least you guys got an update from them, I reported this like in november or decembre and only <10 similar reports and that's it.

By Manuel on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

I often read comparisons between VoiceOver and NVDA, but the comparison between the clients only is insufficient in my opinion, as it does not reflect how the things really work. For accessibility, there are two parts that have to work well:

  • The client: This is the part that makes use of queries via an API to get information of elements (e.g. name, role, state, and value). Moreover, the API provides ways for the clients to perform actions like pressing a button.
  • The Accessibility API: This is the most complex part. The client needs a reliable API to get its work done. And for web accessibility, this is even more complex as web content is not rendered like a native UI. To support accessibility here, Apple, for example, uses a so-called WebAccessibilityWrapper in WebKit that populates the needed information via the Accessibility protocol that VoiceOver needs in order to work.

NVDA only makes use of the Accessibility APIs in Windows like MSAA, IAccessible2, and UIA, and sometimes other APIs provided by the controls (they call them Widgets) themselves. So NVDA only have to do the client's work. They don't have to implement and improve a system-wide API.

Apple, on the other side, has to do both sides: They need to ensure VoiceOver as client works like it should, and they need to ensure that the Accessibility API exposes the corect things, post correct events to clients, reacts to specific events as desired, and so on. As WebKit is developed independently and uses its internal rendering mechanism, accessibility experience varies between WebKit (e.g. Safari) and native (e.g. AppKit) applications. As AppKit uses native UI controls, Apple has already implemented how to communicate information, how to react to events, and so on. WebKit, however, has to ensure that they provide the correct accessibility information, e.g. using text markers to make things like read sentence, read word and so on, working. They have to map their internal structure to the Accessibility API.

I don't want to indicate with this post that Apple has no work to do here. They have a lot of work to do, an things get worse instead of better lately. But "A 20MB free software" cannot be compared to a complex system that Apple maintains as a whole, as NVDA is only the client-side of the whole architecture. On the windows side, things seem to be more abstracted. Microsoft and other actors provide the APIs and don't have to bother about how the clients may use them. They can concentrate on API design and architecture. The screen reader manufacturers can focus on the client-side. Apple has to do both sides, and unfortunately, mostly nothing of their work is open source so that the community could help improving the API side. Mostly nothing is documented for browser manufacturers, for example, as they need to implement the Accessibility protocol because they do not use native UI controls but internal renderings. So they don't know how to implement the Accessibility protocol the right way in order to always expose the things that the client (Here: VoiceOver) requests, responding to (undocumented) events, posting proper events and so on. That's why browser experience on Mac is such a mess with VoiceOver. Fortunately, developers can gather information from the WebKit's source code, but in many places, the code is too complex and not documented which ends up in simply "copying" the behavior of WebKit into other browser engines for VoiceOver to work, and therefore sometimes duplicating the bad behavior that exists in WebKit.

Also, missing documentation is the reason why third-party screen readers have been discontinued for macOS. Developers don't know how to post events, react to specific events, how the raw data should be / can be interpreted.

By Manuel on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

I can also confirm this and I hope that 15.4 fixes a lot of the small annoying things.

By Brian on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

Everything you said, in your second to last reply, is exactly why voiceover on macOS is so completely broken. Has been broken since macOS Catalina. Will continue to be broken, until Apple finally gets over themselves and allows third parties to help develop their accessibility API.
The wall garden concept sounds good, great even, on paper ... not so much in reality, however.
As you yourself stated, on the Microsoft side of things, Microsoft only needs to develop systemwide APIs, and allow third parties to develop other APIs to be more inclusive with the system.
If Apple would allow third parties to work on their accessibility API, I think we would see an entirely different voice over experience on macOS.

Just my two cents ...

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

And I have always said that the api (as a non developer, just intuition based opinion) is the major problem with voiceover. This is exactly why windows 3rd party screen readers are stable because their foundations are, for voiceover on mac nor the client neither the foundation has been stable since I first began my jurney with ventura as my first ever mac.

By Brian on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

It's too bad you never got to experience macOS prior to Catalina, let us say between macOS Sierra, and macOS Mojave. Sierra, which debuted (I believe) in 2016, is when Apple decided to rebrand OSX into macOS. It is also when the Mac finally got its version of Siri. Mojave was two versions later, and right before Catalina. I mainly mentioned this, because there were three versions of, "macOS", where SNR, did, not, exist.
Ah, the good ole days ... 👴

By Brian on Monday, February 24, 2025 - 05:17

Considering everything that has happened since Catalina, I kind of feel like Apple should just go back to Sierra, or even High Sierra, and just rebuild macOS from that particular code. Maybe they would get it right this time around. After all, SnR did not exist. VO plus J worked as intended, And if I am not mistaken, hand-off worked like a dream.
Oh yeah, and the iWork suite was actually a viable alternative to Microsoft Office. 😇