mac OS Catalina, voiceover and iPhone ringtones

By Oriol Gomez, 6 June, 2020

macOS and Mac Apps

I think subject says it all... How do I get around to syncing ringtones to my iphone? I can't do what I used to do which was put them in the automatically add to itunes folder... I read on google that you need to drag and drop, but where? how? Is this currently inaccessible?

Thanks so much.



By Mlth on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 14:32

There are a couple of ways you can go about doing this.
You can either use a program like iMazing to transfer the ringtones, they will need to be in .m4r format, but it should still work.
Alternatively, you can use Garage Band for iOS to make a ringtone. I can't remember the exact steps, but import the audio into an empty project, open it up in Garage Band for iOS, and you should be able to use it as a device ringtone.
Let me know if you can't make Garage Band do it and I'll try to find the exact steps.


By peter on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 14:32

I generally use a program like Audacity (which is free) to create the audio of the ring tone on a PC. I save it as MRA and then change the extension to be M4R as the Apple world seems to like for ring tones. Then I transfer the ring tones using iTunes (much as I dislike that confusing program!).


By Adrian Wyka on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 14:32

Hi guys,
Oriol probably has problem with sync ringtones, not creating.
i have on my iPhone ringtones, but I can't to remove it.
I don't to see them in sections iPhone in finder.

By gallagher123123 on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 14:32

I am having the exact same issue. Unfortunately, it appears that drag and drop is the only way to transfer ringtones, and the voiceover commands do not work. Since I have a little bit of vision, I have managed to transfer ringtones using this method, but it is not easy. I am still trying to find a way to do this using VoiceOver. If anyone has any ideas, I would love to hear them. I have also tried using the mouse down and mouse up commands, but no luck there either.

By Trenton Matthews on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 14:32

The Ringtoner, found at

and last updated on Feb 28, 2019, it's a free iOS app that not too many know about.

Around Christmas 2019 it disappeared for awhile, then came back around March of 2020 and hasn't left since.

You do need Garage Band on your iOS device, however it's only used for transferring and exporting any custom tones you wish to use.

Waltr on the other hand,

, is a paid Mac and/or Windows app, which one of its functions is for transferring ringtones. Similar to iTunes, it does not need Garage Band on your device for transferring tones.

Hopefully one day, Apple will
let the consumer import ringtones without needing third party software. Until then, those two above applications, are your best bet.

By Oriol Gomez on Wednesday, June 10, 2020 - 14:32

Funnily enough I was able to transfer ringtones to my iPhone... Using iTunes on windows! Bah.