podcast listening software for Mac

By dannyboy, 3 February, 2021

macOS and Mac Apps

I had High Siera but upgraded to Big Sur because I kept hearing one should update because of security concerns.
After upgrading I found the podcast app.
There is something about it I want all to know.
With iTunes, one could get the feed link which was used to subscribe it.
With podcast, one can not find that at all.
It lets one copy a link, but it does not seem to be the feed link.
Is there a way one may get a podcast's feed?
Also, might there be another podcast software which is workable with Voice-Over?



By wheelysneakycat on Monday, February 8, 2021 - 09:26

Hi, I'm way behind, using sierra. I wonder if the downcast app is still used/supported on up-to-date macs - that's what I'm using here...

By Pyro2790 on Monday, February 8, 2021 - 09:26

If you can find a link to the feed for the podcast you want, I have used
getrssfeed.com to convert a link to the RSS format. Sounds like others are suggesting Downcast. Previously I had asked a similar question. If you don't have a mac with the new processor that allows you to run IOS and iPad apps, you could also go to overcast.fm and access podcasts. Note though it is partially accessible. I wouldn't say it is 100 percent accessible, but you can figure out how to speed up and slow down the podcast, skip back and forward, pause, etc.