Hi all,
I'm struggling to put custom ringtones from my Mac onto my iPhone. I searched the forum, perused the archives, but most if not all the stuff on ringtones is out of date and does not apply to my setup. I've also tried copying ringtone files to every which place, and every time I try to drag and drop into iTunes, guess what it does? It failed every time. I can't even get the Apple Accessibility people to stay on the phone with me long enough to get things done. Plus my remote screen share thing thing decided to not work during the session, and worse off, I tried creating a tones folder but can't move it to iTunes media. This sucks. Help! Please!
How can I go about putting my m4r files onto my iPhone now from my Mac running Mojave? Since Apple refuses to comment on features, I'm stuck.
By Beth Taurasi, 29 April, 2019
macOS and Mac Apps
Software for transferring ring tones to iPhone
A program called waltr allows you to transfer any media from a Mac or Windows PC. It's not free, but it works perfectly, although it requires a bit of ingenuity to get past the accessibility challenges. I've used it on Windows 10. The trick is just to use the browse button to open the folder to select the ring tone files you want to transfer. The URL is: https://softorino.com/waltr/
Ho dee Hum, a thought occurred to me.
I thought someone said something about the old fashioned drag/drop. Does that still work? Remind me of all the weird little steps. I'll have to try that next time I tackle the ringtone issue. While I'll be checking out Waltr in another couple of months, and while it's not free, I still want to clarify how as someone with zilch zippo no vision whatsoever can perform the steps without worrying so much about the splitting windows or both things being "visible." I wish I had a monitor. lol
Sorry, iTunes no longer supports custom ring tones
I'm trying to remember when iTunes dropped support for custom ring tones, but I know that it was one of the early versions of iTunes 12; indeed, I remember it was the version which had the feature where you could transfer your entire media library to iCloud for free, and it wasn't iTunes Match; I know I really welcomed this feature since it allowed you to turn on iCloud on any of your devices, and, without requiring syncing using iTunes, you had access to your media library; anyway, although I do not wish to be the bearer of bad news, unless I am gravely mistaken, I know for certain that it is no longer possible to transfer ring tones from a Windows PC or Mac to an iPhone using native Apple apps. This is why I suggested waltr.
Ringtones from the interwebs
As of today, May 7, 2019, I am still able to put custom ringtones from my Mac (running Mojave 10.14.4) onto my iPhone 8 (iOS 12.2). I am also totally blind.
This is what I did without any problems.
Step 1: Visit https://www.tones7.com (Optional, use whatever website you prefer)
Step 2: Find the ringtone file you just downloaded. Probably in your Downloads folder.
Step 3: Press Command 'C' to copy the file.
Step 4: Plug your iPhone into your computer.
Step 5: Load up iTunes.
Step 6: Navigate to your iPhone's sidebar, and make sure 'Tones' is highlighted.
Step 7: Navigate to the table with your list of tones, and press Command 'V' to paste the file you copied above.
Voila! You should hear the little chime your computer/iPhone makes when it has synched with iTunes.
Now you can enjoy your new ringtone.
Enjoy, and you're welcome. :D