Hi. I'm putting this in here, seeing as I used a Mac with the prior build on it. When I signed into the appleid.apple.com to check on a problem, this is what happened. The email went fine. When I entered the password, it made that weird "You put in the wrong password" sound. When I clicked cancel, I was then back into another password box where after entering the exact same thing, this time I got the device notifications to enter the six digit code. So what's the hold up? I don't understand why when I put in the password, it acts weird but press cancel, enter the same characters it works. Anyone experience this?
Password Issues
Hi Siobhan,
I've experienced the same thing with signing into a couple of iCloud IDs I use. First issue is the modal dialog on the web not being properly focused in VoiceOver. After interacting, I get the same password field. This past time however, I was asked to put in the password for my Mac instead of the password for the iCloud ID. This seems to be a bug with Apple's authentication service and not with VoiceOver.
I did have success with ignoring the prompt to sign in with the default ID Apple presents you with. e.g. "Do you want to sign in with [email protected]?" Clicking no, I can sign in with the same e-mail and password. I get an invitation to trust the browser. This process appears to work fine with the tab key or VoiceOver navigation.
Good to keep an eye on this.