I've Jailbroken my iPod Touch! Now what?

By Jose Lomeli, 12 May, 2011

Other Apple Chat
I've jailbroken my iPod Touch! Now what can I do with it? What kind of things can I do with it? Please reply!



By Piotr Machacz on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 - 16:19

Well, the first thing I'd suggest you do is fire up cydia and take a look around, get what ever you feel useful. There are also some apps on the site here that are jailbreak apps. As far as a few ideas from me, you could get the 5-column springboard and 5-icon dock to expand your home screen size. You could also get cyDelete to be able to delete apps the conventional way without going to Cydia. Activator is another nice one that lets you assign various actions to things you do, IE a friend of mine assigned holding the home button down to toggle wi-fi, while I assigned the same command to tapping and holding the clock on the status bar. Finally, if you have a few dollars to spend, you could buy power alerter for some better battery warnings. I personally made an entry for it on the site. This should get you going, let me know if you need any further help.

By Morten on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 - 16:19

In reply to by Piotr Machacz

How do you set activator so that you can activate and deactivate wi-fi by performing a gesture on the screen? I can only find things like: "ipod controls" and lock and unlock device, but nothing about wi-fi or any other settings... thanks.
You need an extension called sbSettings. While its own toggling interface isn't that intuitive, it will add all of its toggles to your activator's action list.