Hello every one, I am new to this and I just realize the e mail from apple that suggested to introduce yourself, so I will be known as captain batman and even though I wrote for locution Stettler, in fact I am about 15 minutes drive from there in a super small place call Red Willow, and I mean it very small, on google it say we have 16 houses and 40 peoples , 2 streets, no store or nothing at all I should say!! but I live here by choice I was tire of super big city so when I stop working me and a friend bought this old house and yes it is nice and super quiet, I love it!!! My passion is music and books. You know I really don't believe myself but my friend asked me the other day how many albums do you have on your external hard drive ? I said I have no idea. but one night I decided to count in termes of money and I was putting 10 dollars on each album of itune even though some are double and bigger and when I got to 20 thousand dollars, I kind of started to have the shake, I just could not believe it. my sister as far as she is concern think that I need a head doctor!!! big smile but it is ok, Itune don't complaint!! big smile!! and of course I purchase all my books at the itune store, I remember the old days when I was scanning books, so I had to purchase the hard cover and than brake my back, what a drag!!! I didn't know nothing about ipod and I happen to read an article of a man that said that he bought a ipod touch not for the music side but the machine was so great to read books, so I look into it and now I got 4 nanno 16 gb, one ipod touch gen 4, 2 nanno 7, one apple tv and at last my mini ipad 2 with a word that I don't know how to spell but retna, sorry I am French Canadien. so as you can see I love apple product, my dream before I pass on is to have a apple computer, I know I will some day. but I would like to take this chance to say thank you to apple, you have done what so many people thought impossible for so long, being able to purchase a book like any one else and read it with the same machine that you use and actually see the name of your album and singers plus internet and so on. a , well, not maybe a miracle but very close. I never thought to be alive to talk about it and for this I say big thank you, you have made my life so much more interesting. I will be 60 this December and when to all the big name conceret of the 70 in the rock genre like the stone pink Floyd and so on. now I just want peace I guess. so everyone try to be patient with me my spelling is for sure not very good I will do my best ok and I am so glad to have found this place, so again thanks
maybe I have a couple of questions please
I understand that I should have take the time to read all the instructions about the use of this site and I will do read the most I can tonight but can someone tell me if you are aloud for exemple to mention your e mail address and also, is there a way with time to make friend with people that uses messages, I guess this is what they call texting and also people that has ever use face time, myself I have no way to know any like me blind guy or girls that uses those apps you call it if I am right so thank you every one. oh, one more thing, what about the real name we just don't say it ever? I guess not right? just to be sure.