By alex wallis, 12 April, 2013
Other Apple Chat
Hi all,
I thought that forum members would find the following interesting along with applevis staff members.
because of uncertainty from applevis about the legal position they haven't been willing to host a guide explaining how it is possible to delete exisiting voices from jailbroken apple products and replace them with other vocalizer voices that are available for download from the tiflotecnia website.
I decided to email the company the other day to ask about the position and pasted below is the email I received from them, not good news unfortunately legally speaking.
Though of course just because we have an email from the company it doesn't stop individual users from deciding to ignore it and replacing voices on jailbroken apple products, as the information is available on google provided you know where to look and if people can't find it i'm sure other forum members would be happy to help outside applevis on twitter or zello as I know certain people already do.
I guess all this really means in practice is that applevis as an organisation can't host information officially.
I found it quite easy to find though.
I guess it isn't even worth approaching nuance as we would either be ignored or they would want to charge stupidly high royalty fees.
email response starts below this line.
The use of Vocalizer for NVDA outside of NVDA is illegal.
Our license states clearly that the voices are only to be used in NVDA.
This is a limitation contracted with Nuance.
Rui Fontes
Tiflotecnia, Lda.
Adding my thoughts ...
Everyone, this is completely
I saw this post and I had to reply.
What previous people have posted, I don't understand your position I get that it's illegal to do whatever they're trying to do but I still don't get it