Useful JB apps that are compatible with 4.31

By Brettsta21, 6 April, 2011

Other Apple Chat
Hi all, I am just starting a discussion to share useful JB apps that are known to be compatible with firmware 4.31, as I have found a couple of my favorite ones either don’t work correctly, or cause issues. My must have JB apps that I have tested and found know issues when running them with the 4.13 firmware are: • SBSettings: allows you to easily toggle settings such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 3G etc. You can also set an action to perform your chosen toggle. • Remove Background: allows you to kill all apps from the task switcher with one gesture. • iAnnounce: will announce the Caller ID prior to the phones wringer sounding. • Five Icon Dock: allows you to have five things on the doc instead of just four items. • Five Column Springboard: allows you to have 5 columns on the springboard. Great for fitting more apps on the one page. All these apps are found in the default Cydia repositories. I am wondering if there is an app to allow Wi-Fi hotspot, as the default one is disabled by my carrier and I cannot enable it. I look forward to any input from others.



By Matt on Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 16:20

Hello: I am not using an Iphone, but I do have a few apps that should help you in your quest. All of the apps can be found in Cydia except for the last two. Five Icon Folder: extends the folder space to five columns. Covert: Private browsing for Safari. Cy delete: Delete packages from springboard. App Backup: Backup and restore jailbroken apps from Cydia for restores. Browser Changer: Open links in a third party browser instead of Safari. Respring: Performs a fast respring from your springboard without locking the screen. *Frash: Enables the viewing of flashed based content in Safari. *Frash Toggle: Frash toggle for SB Settings. *You can find out more about Frash at this link, but I have not been able to get it working yet.

By Deng on Sunday, May 1, 2011 - 16:20

Hey guys! Thanks for great apps that can work well with my jailbroken iPod Touch! Something that is greater is that cydia is now fully accessible with VO so, we can use it flawlessly! If i find apps that are worth sharing, i will try to poast it up on here as well!