Netflix, audio description, Apple TV

By elliot2012, 18 May, 2015

tvOS and Apple TV Apps

Hi, does anyone know where I can find a list of all the audio described content available on Netflix? Also, any news on when audio described content will be available via the iTunes Store on the Apple TV here in the UK?



By Macky on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 10:16

I believe there's a list on the Netflicks website of what's available with audio description. As I don't currently have Netflicks however I can't check if this list covers the UK version of Netflicks or just the American one. As for AD on itunes in the UK, I e-mailed apple re this a couple of months back and they confirmed they're working on it but no date is fixed for when it will be available. Pure speculation but maybe it'll tie in with the expected new apple tv and subscription service? Here's hoping anyway. HTH

By elliot2012 on Friday, May 29, 2015 - 10:16

thanks for reply, yeh I'm looking forward to seeing what the new Apple TV has to offer. Did have a quick look on Netflix web-site but couldn't find a list of programmes with AD. I'm so hoping iTunes will be bringing this feature in soon though, I've seen some movie releases on there recently with directors commentaries so here's hoping it's not too far off...

By LarryMac on Saturday, October 29, 2022 - 10:16

In the U.S. a website called WWW.ACB.ORG, American Council of the Blind has a list of all A/D films.