BlindSquare and Apple Watch?

By Brooke, 30 July, 2018

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

Do the 2 work together at all? I read in Blind Square's app entry that they do, and someone mentioned it out here. But I can't get the app to even show on the list of apps to run on my watch. So if the 2 do play nicely together, can someone give me a few pointers on getting started? If they don't, are there any GPS apps for the blind that do work with the watch?



By That Blind Canuck on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - 21:34

Well, if you open the Watch app on your iPhone, all apps that appear as apps that are installed or not installed on your watch are the apps on your iPhone that also have a watch version of the app.

So if BlindSquare doesn't show up on the list, as I have it installed on my iPhone and it too does not appear in the Watch app, that means that the developpers of BlindSquare have not made a watch version of the app. I too have looked at the app entry on AppleVis and the fact that they've indicated that there was a watch app. Well, either one was originally made a while ago and the developper's of BlindSquare eventually removed it, or the person who entered the app entry on the site made a mistake.

If a watch app did exist, it was probably over 2 years ago as I've had the BlindSquare app for over three years and an Apple Watch for almost 2 years and I never recall seeing a watch version of the app. Sorry to disappoint.


By Brooke on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - 21:34

That's what I was afraid of, but just posted on the off chance I was missing something. Thanks for clarifying; hopefully someday, there really will be a Blind Square app for the Apple Watch.

By makkenai on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - 21:34

hello, i know this post is from 2018 so its a bit old and some stuff maybe changed. altho i do wonder how do i know if a certain app will work on my apple watch se2, i dont even have it yet still close to two weeks before it gets here. but i was just wondering which apps will work is there a way to know this before i even have the watch ?. blind square is my favorite gps i use it all the time , so what would be a good alternative gps app like this ?? i know a few titles but i dont know if it might work on the watch. its a SE 2 .. thanks for reading , greets mak :)

By Callum Stoneman on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 - 21:34

I know this is an old thread so things may have changed since the initial comment was left, but there is a BlindSquare app for the Apple Watch... Sort of. It doesn't provide navigation instructions from the watch directly, instead it acts as a remote control for the iOS BlindSquare app.

For example, if you had BlindSquare running on your iPhone and you wanted to quickly add your current location to your "my places" list, or use the "where am I?" button, the watch app will allow you to do that without taking the phone out of your pocket or bag.