Hi all.
Is there a current guide for the watch, or am I doing something wrong? I just got one today. I wanted to check the battery
status, so I listened to the Apple Watch 101 podcast about it.
If I wake up the watch and swipe/flick up with two fingers, I get a screen about widgets. Two-finger swipe
left or right does nothing. The watch is on my left wrist, crown pointing to my hand. I assume swiping up is moving from thumb side of the hand to pinky side of the hand.
I'm sure Apple has some sort of manual, and I'll be checking that out, but the podcasts here are pretty informative. So I'm just trying to figure out why this isn't working for me. Thanks in advance for any help.
Apple has changed it
Hi, apple changed it.
In order to get the "Control Center" you need to press on the side button.
It's near by the croune.
Reliably triggering taptic time?
Sometimes when I double tap, it just wakes up the watch. I
usually can get it when double tapping a corner, but sometimes not then, and if I do it a second time it just wakes up the screen again.
I'm thinking if we're asleep and I want to check the time, I don't need VO yammering away. So if anybody's got a reliable trick, I'd love to know.
They've changed it
For full haptic time it's not triple tap, and quadruple tap for minutes only. For the quadruple tap you just have to be a little timed, but except for these little details on watchos 11 it's very reliable for me. But yes voiceover wakes up after the first tap and I wonder if there are some settings to change in the watch to prevent this. Otherwise it works very well.
Oh thanks!
Ha! I'm totally getting it accidentally then, because I was double tapping. I just did a tripple and that got it. But now I do that again and I seem to only get minutes. Huh!
Haptic time
Yes, I too often observe that the watch starts to speak if you aren't careful with tapping to get the haptic time.
One things that I find helps is if you hover your finger over the display for a bit before performing the double or triple tap. If I don't wait a bit and just tap the watch, the watch often speaks.
Hope that helps. Would be interested to see if that works for other people.
haptic time
I find that if I tilt my wrist so that the watch face is facing towards me slightly and then perform the double or tripple tap for taptic time, it seems to work more reliably. make sure your watch is asleep before you atempt to use haptic time.
A combination seems to be working for me.
I have the watch on my left wrist. I turn the watch face toward me, and rest the band on my right thumb. I hold my finger over the screen, really in front of it, and double tap. I just got it to work three times in a row, no problem. Thanks everybody!