Deleting email messages

By glassheart, 12 November, 2022

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

I just went today for the first time to check email on my Apple Watch. I've done it before several years ago, but not really very extensively.

When focused on an email message in my unified inbox, I did the exact same thing I would do on the iPhone by swiping down with one finger. There definitely is some things in the action's rotor, but delete is not one of the options.

So, I guess the million dollar question is, how in the world do you delete email messages from the watch. I don't want to have to grab my phone just simply to delete messages. That's crazy!



By glassheart on Thursday, December 1, 2022 - 21:14

What a royal pain in the *** ass! If I have over 200 e-mails, I don't really want to sit here and open each snowcone blasted one just to delete the stupid thing. Believe me, it sounds like I'm complaining, and maybe yeah, I kind of am, but seriously guys, that's just ludicrus that one would have to go through all of those hoops just to delete something when like on the phone, they clearly could just put a delete option in the actions rotor. Swype down, and boom! Mission accomplished. HOw hard can this be truly? I mean, caaaam aaan! Really?

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:14

1. Get the Microsoft Outlook appp on your phone. 2. set it up with your mail account, should automatically sign in for you. 3. use Cortana and SIRI together. For this, I'll go step-by-step the very best I remember. If you have the shortcuts app on your phone, please add "Play my e-mails" as the shortcut, open e-mails and start reading them as the action ... I believe. on the Outlook app, go to the settings. this is in the Menu where your account is. "Play my e-mails" should be one of the options, and you use Microsoft's Cortana for this. 4. of course, after opening outlook--you might have to use touch/face ID if you're using MFA--multi-factor authentication. That's the best way, so everything stays safe ... I believe. Anyway, after Outlook's opened, "Hey SIRI, play my e-mail," should be what you say. you won't hear that system reading your messages then but Cortana as she/he says, and I quote directly, "Hey there! let me get your e-mail. You have a lot of new e-mails to read." 6. when reading these messages by voice only, a tone notifies you of the next message. sevral more tones notify you of actions to take/the two-tone ascending notes for knowing Cortana's listening. important, you must use headphones to automatically hear these. otherwise, use the microphone button on your phone, in the outlook app when "play my e-mails is running," to activate Cortana. should you need any more help, feel free to write back/it gets complicated to explain here.