I've been using an Apple Watch for some time now and just upgraded to an Ultra. I use Apple's mail app on my iPhone and iPad and watch. I've been frustrated with my inability to delete messages directly from my watch and decided to look into the issue. I researched on Applevis and didn't find an answer, but found a post with others frustrated on this issue. I contacted [email protected] and with a few email exchanges the problem was solved. What I had experienced was that under the actions item on the roter while using mail, the only options were: read, flag, and archive. I've excerpted the solution below. Note I'm only using gmail, so I don't know if this carries over to any other mail programs.
It’s behaving in a way where a specific setting for Gmail is setup. When deleting emails for gmail account they give an archive option and a deleted option.
If you check the following on your iPhone:
iPhone Settings > Mail > Accounts > Gmail > Account Settings > Advanced; You will have a header for 'Move Discarded Messages Info'.
For that setting we want to make sure 'Deleted Mailbox' is selected.
If it is currently set to 'Archive Mailbox' go ahead and select 'Deleted Mailbox' and see if that helps.
The expected behavior to delete an email from the Mail inbox is similar to that of the iPhone.
With your Mail open to the Inbox:
1. Use the Rotor feature to select Actions.
2. One Finger Swipe Left/Right to locate the intended email to delete.
3. Flick Up/Down till you hear Delete.
4. One Finger Double Tap to delete the email.
5. To Delete additional emails single flick down (delete) followed by a one finger double tap to perform the delete action.
I hope this help anyone else having this problem.
Thank you
I was thinking about this problemas well. Thank you for sharing this information with us all.