Got an Apple Watch 8 for My Birthday. Now Looking for Good Apps

By Lanie Carmelo, 5 December, 2022

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

Hi all. Can anyone suggest good apps for the Apple Watch? I'm curious what's out there and accessible in general, but I'm also looking for a way to maybe log water and things like that, and if there's an app with good beginner-friendly workouts that are well described and low-impact, I'd be interested in that too. Any recommendations? Thanks.



By Roxann Pollard on Saturday, December 31, 2022 - 22:11

I wholeheartedly recommend clicker, by The Iconfactory. I think this is the first app that I added to my Apple Watch, when I first got it a few years ago. It is a simple, no frills app, it does exactly what you want, it counts up, or it counts down. I use this to track days of my workouts. You can only track one thing, though. That's its only drawback. There is another app that I also use, but it does not have Apple Watch compatibility. So, the Clicker app lives on my watch, to track my workouts. The other app lives on my iPhone, where I track many more things. This clicker app has no ads in it. It just simply works beautifully. I hope this helps you along your way. Please find the link below to the App Store.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:11

Workout, Activity, and all that are useful for starting out. Also, Gentler Streak and Motivation, which is just daily quotations, can help. "Don't let idiot ruin your day," was today's quote from that last app for me today. I'm just doing what I feel like in the Workout app, and you can ask SIRI to "Start pool swim" or "pause workout." I find this much easier than pressing those two buttons, digital crown and side button, together. first of all, I don't know how long to hold them in or if I should just press and release. I need to work more closely with that, but do anything you think is the speicified workout. it's not about doing the exact thing but moving and doing your best. If you need more help with goal setting and all, let me know. I know a bit about it, as a psych major who was distinguished as Magna Cum Laude in Missouri State University ... in the USA. Also, every Monday, you're coached in what to do next and where to place your goals. Let's work together to build healthier habits, okay? If you're stuck, you might want to listen to some music while you work out.
Ashleigh Piccinino