Hating the new layout of the workout app in watchOS 10

By Karina Velazquez, 24 September, 2023

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

Hi guys.
I'm looking for someone smarter than me to jump over the new boundries the workout app is bringing to me since I updated to watchOS 10
Before starting my running workout, things have changed but I can get used to them, but the problems come when I start running.

First, I have no sounds while running. Something that helps me a lot is to have this beeps when I complete and intervale or another kilometer, but although the haptic vibrations on my wrist are stronger than before, I have no beeps on my earbuds.
Second, I find more naughty to jump from a screen to another and to read them. I have set different metrics for different things during my workouts, but I don't know why, I feel that the information is presented in a less cleaner way, and moving from one element to the other is weird, and more when you try to move from one screen to the other.
Therd (and the one I hate the most), I can't finish my workout!. now, as I have complaint before here, moving between the three main screens during a workout in watchOS 9 where a nightmare, but for the last half of the last updating period, they were almost smooth to manage, but now I don't understand a thing.
During a workout I i was able to move between the three workout screens (controls, workout info and music) with a two fingers slide from either sides, but now it seems like in the bottom right corner there is a label telling page 2 of 4 but if I slide up or down it is a mess and for me it seems like nothing happens, and I don't understand yet where the heck is the screen where I can pause, finish or start another workout. The only way I have handled to finish my workout, is to first pause my workout pressing the crown and the side button at the same time (I deactivated the screenshot option) and then there they are! the buttons to unpause, finish or whatever your workout, which I think, is not the right way to do it.

Tell me if you have managed how to move around this and if you have any suggestions for finishing my workout.

kind regards.



By Adrian Wyka on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:20

I'm also very irritated that Apple has eliminated a lot of gestures.
The two-finger left and right gesture no longer works for me.
That's why in applications I have to scroll through entire screens to reach the slider that allows me to change screens.

This is so stupid I don't want to use my watch.

By Greg Wocher on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:20

After starting a workout I am still able to use the two finger swipe left or right to move between the screens. When I am on the screen that shows your time and distance if I do a two finger swipe from left to right it moves to the first screen with the end workout button. I am using watchOS 10 on a series 6 apple watch. The only place I have found the two finger gestures to not work is on the watch face. Now in order to switch faces you need to do a one finger double tap and hold to bring up a list of watch faces to choose from.

By Andy Lane on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:20

It’s probably not that helpful to you to know that others are doing just fine but maybe it’s worth speaking to Apple or even just resetting your watch completely. I do that occasionally if I have any problems because it’s so much easier than the phone to do. It probably takes less than an hour. You definitely shouldn’t have to do that but it might resolve your issue.

By Karina Velazquez on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:20

Well I will try again today, cause on my last two workouts I had this issue.
What about the sounds? do you still have the beeping sounds during the workout or just the haptic motor on your wrist?
Thanks everyone in advance.

By Andy Lane on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:20

It wouldn’t explain the other problems you’re having but you don’t have silent mode turned on do you? That might explain the sounds being missing. Sometimes my phone turns silence on but doesn’t turn it off again. I have to do it manually in control centre. I hope you can get your watch sorted out and behaving better.

By Saqib on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:20

One thing I don't like about the update, is the recent apps have been remapped to the crown button and it's it or miss which is making me want to confine this gadget to the spare gadgets draw as it's now easier to see my daily steps count on my phone as I have added a widget for this on my Home Screen. The app that I use is called pedometer++, plus if anyone is interested.

By Saj on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:20

Yes I was also wondering the same thing if the silent mode was turned on. For some reason and I don’t know why this is but if my silent mode is turned off and VoiceOver is turned off as well, then it will announce the mileage/kilometres when I’m running but I was told that with VoiceOver on it should still announce it but it never does. I think I’m going to stick with 9.6.3 but I’m sure I will update to version 10 at some point but I hope it sorts itself out for you eventually as it must be really annoying.

By Karina Velazquez on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:20

Well I have to apologize for the third part of my post. In did I was able to move between the three main screens of the workout app with the two fingers gesture yesterday, but will confirm the beeping thing missing on my next running workout, because this happened to me before with the watchOS 9 update and no silent mode was on, at the time, something that was fixed in the following updates, so now that watchOS 10.0.1 is out, I will also update to see if this is fixed.

Also another thing I missed on my original post is that regarding the heart frequency complication, the rate is no longer updated since watchOS 10; let me explain. I have this complication on my activity face, and before updating to watchOS 10, after finishing my workouts I waited some minutes to calmdown and my face used to show the frequency updated for the last 1 or 3 minutes. But now, when I repeat this process, the complication still shows the rate of like 10 minutes ago, and it doesn't update itself with the same oftenness as oin watchOS 9, so after 10 minutes from my workout, my heart frequency still shows over 150 bpm as if I was still running, and it only updates if I enter into the app.
Thanks again.

By mr grieves on Friday, December 1, 2023 - 21:20

I upgraded from 9 to 10.1 over the weekend. I initially noticed that all the sounds had gone so quiet I could barely hear them. When I went into Settings, then Sounds and Haptics I found an alert volume slider that had got set to 25%. Not sure if it had been there before, but I've increased that a lot and I think things have improved, but not had a chance to be in a noisier environment to see if I can still hear them.

I've not had a problem with 2 finger swiping. Did you fix it? Only thing I've found about the workout is that when I go to end it, I need to confirm it. Would be nice to turn that off. Having to fiddle about to page 1 then go to end feels like enough to me, but maybe it's easier to do it accidentally if you aren't using VoiceOver.