I can’t get the Weather Gods complication to work on my Apple Watch

By Lisa, 8 September, 2023

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

For some reason I can’t get the Weather Gods complication to work on my watch. I have tried turning off my watch and turning it back on still doesn’t work. I went to the settings on my watch went into WeatherGods and opened it, and I can look at everything there on my watch. I also went into weather gods on my phone and set up all the notifications and other things I wanted to do in there. I still can’t get it to show up on my Apple Watch. When I try to look for the complication on my Apple Watch, it doesn’t show up anywhere. Any ideas or suggestions anyone can give me I would appreciate it. Thank you.



By Knut on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

Same problem. It sais "You don't have any complications configured for the current location". When I go to add a complication to my watch face Weather Gods is not there.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

Open the WG on your iPhone, keep it open, go to watch and open WG and refresh. It might work. Sane issue in my beta not showing the complication. Doing the above it work.

By mendi on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

Mine did this too, but when I went to settings to verify I had a subscription for premium the problem fixed itself.

By Lisa on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

I am not getting email notifications on this post. I thought for sure since I put up the post on here I should definitely receive email alerts, but not getting them. Anyone know why? Thanks.

By Siobhan on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

Personally i have enough email but if you check the subscribe box, I think that's what you need to do. also, on this same topic, subscriptions for WG sometimes need to restore purchases. Don't worry you won't be charged, it just makes WG know you're a subscriber.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

Hi, is this still a problem ?

It's tricky at the best of times as we are using the new APIs provided by Apple for complications.

It's made worse if you have installed iOS17 or watchOS10 as Apple are changing the way these APIs work.

My top tips are:

1. Don't uninstall the weather gods app - it nukes the complication database
2. Make sure you have the phone app and watch app running at the same time when you setup complications - they both have to be open
3. Switch off follow me on the weather gods watch app
4. On the watch app; hit the locate me to locate you - the current location will appear at the top of the list of places on the watch app.
5. Check if your favourite locations have appeared from the phone to the watch. Hit refresh if not.
6. If still no favourites on the watch then try adding a temporary one on the phone
7. When you've got favourites and/or current location on the watch app then proceed to setup complications.

Setup complications.

1. You can do this on the Apple Watch app on the phone or by editing the face on the watch and adding a complication. My preference is on the watch itself and the phone takes a while to sync from the watch
2. You should find the weather gods complications - it might be under com.meyume.weathergods (another apple bug)
3. Make sure you pick the complication with the favourite name or the words "Current Location". Anything else is the old complications which are still around for some reason - thanks Apple
4. If you want to use follow me on the watch then you will need follow me switched on in the weather gods app first - its so we get permission for the always on location tracking.
5. Follow me can be switched on in the watch app but you must have setup a complication marked as Current Location

If you have any more problems then try a restart of the weather gods watch app or a restart of the watch.

Uninstalling the weather gods watch app just resets everything back to zero and makes it harder to setup again.

I wish there was something easier but this is what Apple have given us to work with. The old mechanism was easier but was deprecated by Apple and did not support any of the new stuff in iOS17 and watchOS10.

If you are still stuck then please email me through the feedback mechanism and I will do my best to help.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

I am curious if you remove the app in the watch and NOT in the phone. It should reinstall again and it should work. My app was not installing and complications were not working. Now is working. Again do not delete iPhone app.

By Eric Davis on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

To make a long story short, without going into a big explanation that will probably lose everyone halfway through, I was able to resolve these issues. Install the newest version: open Weather Gods on your phone: open Weather Gods on the waTo make a long story short, without going into a big explanation that will probably lose everyone halfway through, I was able to resolve these issues. Install the newest version: open Weather Gods on your phone: open Weather Gods on the watch: tap refresh to rebuild your location database. After you do this, you can then set up your watch face complication, and make sure that you have your current location. Watch complication set up. After you do this, then you can turn on follow me under Weather Gods on the watch. It's a little confusing and hopefully, as time goes by the process will be streamlined. This is not a fault of Weather Gods, but it is the fault of the new watch and iOS versions from Apple.tch

By Lisa on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

Every time I check the Weather Gods complication of my watch, it says the following, one weather alert, hazardous weather outlook. There is no weather alert right now. No matter what time of the day it is no matter what the weather is. It always says this. I can’t figure out why, how can I fix this? Thank you.

By Weather Gods (Scott) on Sunday, October 1, 2023 - 21:10

Hi Lisa,

Is the alert showing on the watch itself?

You can get the alert details from the weather gods watch app now.

Hazardous weather outlook are issued by various national weather agencies, and often they don't contain any useful information. Unfortunately weather gods can't know this without trying to understand the details in the outlook statement.

I hope to add a feature in the future where you can choose to ignore these completely.
