No Premium Voices after failed dl in Watch App settings

By Mario Lang, 9 April, 2024

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

I have a rather strange issue since updating to WatchOS 10.3 (same with 10.4).

There seems to be a synchronisation issue when using the Settings App on the Apple Watch itself, vs. the Settings screen in the Watch App on iOS.

I originally tried to load the Premium version of the german Anna voice via the iOS Watch App Settings screen, which failed to dl the voice to the watch.

When I tried to do the premium voice download from the Settings app on the Apple Watch directly later, I found that there is no premium voice for Anna which I could download.

Has anyone had this problem and perhaps knows a way to fix it without completely resetting my watch?



By Brooke on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - 21:16

I've had the same problem with the US English voice Zoe. I don't think there are any work-arounds; the voices only show through the app but are actually not there on the watch. I reported it to Apple's accessibility department about 2 months ago. They said they were able to reproduce the issue and would pass it along to the engineers, but I haven't heard anything since.

By Jokyboy129 on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 - 21:16

You can use these voices only withering iphones