Older watch but have many questions based on Apple Watch in general

By Ashleigh Piccinino, 3 March, 2023

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

As you've seen earlier, or rather later if this comes at the beginning of the table of values for topics, I have an older watch. of course, it's from Apple and was the demonstration version of watch 2, I believe. I won't bore you with all the details of how I obtained it but was given it by a well-known friend. I didn't find my topics specifically, so here they are ... and they're many, so bare with me, please?
1. How to find the exact series number of Apple Watch on the unit itself and/or in the about sections of the iPhone watch app?
2. How to change the VoiceOver voice to match that for SIRI I use on my iPhone? I don't like Ms. Samantha--never have, sorry Sammie!
3. Why is SIRI used instead of VoiceOver itself? If VO can be used, how to set it up? I've looked in the accessibility areas of both the watch and the app and no dice.
4. Is there ever a need to put Apple Watch to sleep, and how do you do this? Keep in mind that currenty, I don't have the SOS item set to "hold side button." However, I'd like both versions of this answer. so, how to put the watch to sleep with my current settins and how to do it when I eventually turn on the SOS feature "hold side button."
5. Should the above feature even be used as holding the side button can also allow one to power down the watch? Of course, you have choices given by SIRI--I won't call it VoiceOver until that screen reader's actually used.
The questions can continue endlessly, I guess, but those were the most important unseen ones for now.



By techluver on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:13

1. If you go to the watch app -> general -> about, and find the model number, google it to find the series. Somehow Apple doesn't put the series itself which is ridiculous.
2. To change the voice, you can do it in a weird way. Unfortunately they seem to have taken away the siri voice, but at least you can get away from Samantha by going to watch app -> VoiceOver -> Language rotor, and adding UK or Australian english or something. Then you can use the language rotor to change the voice.
3. Go to the watch app -> accessibility -> Voiceover and turn it on. :)
4. You really don't want to put the watch to sleep. It's not really meant to do that. You can turn it off by holding the side button.
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By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:13

Thank you for those tips. I found out that I have the Series 2, just like my friend said. He used it for demonstration purposes at Missouri State University, in the USA. Therefore, it's the stainless steel version with the really nice band which feels like the screen you'd have in your windows. that's the only way to describe it but thicker, so it's working well I guess. however, things load slowly/no VO rotor language when looking through the accessibility features on that topic with both watch and iPhone. I guess for now, Samantha will have to be my VO voice. why couldn't Apple do what they did with the WIFI password when "Apple Watch keyboard" is used to enter the password for said WIFI. I had to use this, of course/don't know how printed numbers look as a user who's totally blind. "Would you like to share the password on Ashleigh's iPhone with your Apple Watch?" was what came up when used the feature. I clicked yes, so I was happy it finally took. Why can't Apple just use that again, but say "Would you like to share the current VO rotor language, as used on Ashleigh's iPhone, with your apple watch?" that would make it so much easir, don't you think? Of course, Ashleigh's iPhone is what's been named as the iPhone, and I didn't have to even do anything. The same is said for Ashleigh's Apple watch, so don't worry. I'm not giving out personal information here ... at least not private, medical information.
Thank you again,
Ashleigh Suzanne Piccinino
P.S. sorry that some of this seems like I'm shouting at you. I'm really not but don't feel like editing the post right now. it's literally 3:05 in the morning here, and I just couldn't sleep ... worrying about this watch too much. I'll be doing researchy on it though as I'm in a research course at the stated university anyway, so hahaha! I have a lot to learn, but I usually do that quickly ... retaining the info pretty well.

By Dave Nason on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:13

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hi Ashleigh. The Apple Watch does now have a wider range of available VoiceOver voices but only on more recent models. The Series 2 is about 7 years old now, so if you want better performance and more voices, you will have to upgrade I’m afraid.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:13

Thank you, but I got this watch from a friend, as I've been saying. he used it for demo purposes, also stated previously. I can't afford an Apple watch so will continue with this one. so far, I like it but that's possibly why apps from my iPhone--an iPhone 8+--can't be auto-installed when they work with the watch too and that ffeature's turned on to auto-synch apps to the wattch. I'll just have to download the ones I want manualy, I guess/hope the thing can hold my Discover card information aftre putting in the code on the wallet in the watch app w/iPhone.
Thank you again,
Ashleigh Piccinino

By Dave Nason on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:13

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I understand that, but just wanted to let you know the facts. Hopefully it will work well enough for you.
In my opinion it’s better to manually add apps anyway, as you’ll discover you don’t want or need a lot of them anyway.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:13

How to manually add apps when the code for my Discover card's not entered into the wallet part of the iPhone's watch app yet? I'd like to add "Motivation," one of the watch starter kit apps. I thank you for your help, and can I have your number to add you to the walkietalkie app? will wsaid app even work on this old of a watch? it appears to as the staticky sounds you'd hear over a fregular CB radio are heard when someone's added and doesn't have "waiting for response" by their name.

By techluver on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:13

Hey there.
If you use the applevis private message function you can private message me your number. Happy to walk you through some of the things with the apple watch.