Prominent haptics seem to be a "no-no" if you want to save Apple Watch battery

By Ashleigh Piccinino, 7 March, 2023

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

If you'd like to save more battery power on your watch, please skip out on using prominate haptics. This setting can set up in the sounds/haptics section of the "Settings." However, please leave the default setting posted. I guess the haptic motor gets used greater--not a mechanic or anything here, just a watcher--watch user, that is.
Ashleigh Piccinino



By Holger Fiallo on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:29

It was never an issue with me. Battery was the sane if I use default haptic. More likely that if you are using apps and many notification that affect your battery. Also if the watch brightness is high.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:29

What watch notifications and/or appps would use up the battery to where it's down to like 40% by now? I charged it up last night, and I do use the Activity and Workout apps. I'm using this as numbers aren't where they need to be for some issues in my health records w/doctor. Anyway, I like these apps and would hate to not use em any more to conserve the batttery in this 'ole dinosaur of a watch. Keep in mind it's an S2, and brightness is always down to 0%/low, they call it. Of course, this is because I'm blind/don't need that. although I use a lot of apps on my iPhone 8+, an older one too, it's battery is at 60%. again, brightness is actually at 0% as the iPhone calls it.
Thank you,
Ashleigh Piccinino

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:29

Exercise notifications and news if you get alot of them. I only have messages and Weather Gods as notifications. I use news for phone and any other again for the phone. I have my display low. Also be aware because your watch is so old the battery may not charge 100% unless the battery is a new one.

By Jared on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:29

If you have a series two the problem is likely that your watch is old and the battery is wearing out. On my apple watch SE I can go to settings, battery, battery health and I see my max battary capacity is 85% do to my watch being two years old.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:29

I don't have a place to check battery there in the general settings. let's check the CTRL center, then, huh? I don't have much but the battery remainig currently and the Power Reserve mode. If VO isn't available here, and I have the accessibility shortcut for it enabled, can I just press the shortcut key--the digital crown/home button to enablwe it again?

By Jared on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:29

Your watch is probably to old to provide battery health information. Based on what you've said if an apple watch is something you think you will use a lot you should consider upgrading to a newer version if you are able to instead of fighting with your watch to increase battery life.

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:29

When amazon had their event you might consider getting a watch from them. I thinnk the next amazon event be in June or October. They tend to have great deals or you might want to go to major stores such as best buy or walmark or the one with the T forgot the name.

By Bingo Little on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 21:29

As others have said, if there is a causal link between prominent haptics and battery drain on your watch, it's not a general issue. I'm not experiencing it - in fact, my battery is in rude health. Looks like your watch is for the birds.