Touch to Wake on Apple Watch?

By Gadget Meistress, 5 June, 2023

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

Okay, supposedly, in Apple Watch, there is a way to disable touch to wake. I'm using a series 7 Apple Watch with the latest OS installed. For some time I've gotten the impression that there is no way to keep Apple Watch from waking if one bumps the screen. Now I'm told there is a touch to wake, or tap to wake option that can be disabled in settings. However, I can't seem to find it in either display and brightness settings where one can adjust the "wake on raise" and "wake on crown up," or accessibility settings, I have both wake at wrist raise, and wake at crown up turned off. I checked in Accessibility options, and, everything having to do with touch, assistive touch, quick actions, etc, disabled.
So, why am I not seeing an option to disable touch to wake, and yet, what research I've seen, such an option supposedly exists.
What am I missing?



By Brooke on Saturday, July 1, 2023 - 21:29

I've heard of raise to wake, but not touch to wake. I went through the settings as you did and couldn't find anything. A quick Google search brought up a few people asking about it but no real answers. I could be wrong, I hope I am because it'd be a cool feature. But I don't think it exists.

By Blue on Saturday, July 1, 2023 - 21:29

Are you sure it’s not iOS? Because I know this feature exists in iOS, but never heard of it existing in the Apple Watch.