unable to transfer phone call from apple watch to iPhone with hand off

By Gadget Meistress, 10 March, 2023

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

I have hand-off turned on in both my phone, which is an iPhone se2 with the latest update, and my apple watch 7 series, with the latest update. However, I tried transferring a call from my Apple Watch to my phone, which are both under the same apple ID, and I was not seeing my watch on the app switcher for double tapping on to take the call from the watch to my phone. What am I missing?



By Mlth on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:00

I think you have to double-tap the indicator in the status bar when the call is in progress. Does that work for you?

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:00

The subject says it all, well I hope it does. How would that play out with VoiceOver ... literally? could you say on the call for a time and then actiivate the indicator?