Voiceover lagging after pairing watch with new phone

By PinkCupcake5, 27 September, 2021

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

Hi everyone, after getting a new phone and pairing my apple watch 5, voiceover lags a lot on the watch. I touch something and don't get a response until a second or 2. This didn't happen when I updated to Watch OS 8 or when the watch was paired with iPhone 11, only when I paired it with my iPhone 13 pro a few days ago.
I force restarted, turned voiceover on and off, even paired and unpaired but nothing fixed it.
The strange thing is voiceover worked fine during the pairing process, but then went back to lagging after pairing was complete. Everything is up to date.
Has anyone else experienced this or have any suggestions of something I could try?



By Rodey on Friday, October 1, 2021 - 22:03

I have a 6, but did experience some problems after pairing. Mine were more siri related, rather than Voiceover, but there was some spill over. I had used the South African voice on my phone for Siri, and this seemed to cause some issues with the watch downloading the proper voices. Things seemed snappy enough, but Voiceover was not giving me the option to change synthesizers. I eventually figured out the issue was related to the dialect, which it thought was a language problem but whose splitting hairs. Once that was all set, the watch did work on downloading the correct synths.

I rebooted, after getting the correct voices, and that's when I had a problem. When the watch booted up, it was very slow. I had trouble even using it to enter a password. Once I did get it unlocked though, it seemed to have fixed itself after a few minutes. It switched all the voices, Siri and voiceover once unlocked, but after a few minutes, they just reverted, and everything seemed to be normal.

So while that's not an exact duplication of your problem, it had some sluggish elements. All of this happened Friday, so if yours were going to just, sort itself out, I would think that would have happened. The only suggestion though is to see if you can force a download of a different synth, and see if that helps. If your preference is Samantha though, maybe changing it, getting that all straight, and then changing it back might kick it into action.

By ChoonHwee on Friday, October 1, 2021 - 22:03

I experienced exactly the same problem as you. I unpaired and paired my watch a number of times. Finally VoiceOver worked as expected but I discovered that my default watch face had been replaced by another one. Perhaps you could try deleting your current watch face and replace it with another one. It could be that the watch face somehow got corrupted.

By nohansa nuh on Friday, October 1, 2021 - 22:03

did you setup as new watch or you restore from A previous backup.