Voiceover volume on Apple Watch

By Ray, 11 June, 2015

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

Does anyone know if there is a quicker way of adjusting the voiceover volume on the Apple Watch without using the Apple Watch App on the iPhone? I've had my watch for 2 days now, and still trying to get to grips with it.

Many thanks...



By David Goodwin on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:03

There’s a gesture for adjusting the VoiceOver volume.

Do a 2 finger double tap and hold, and then drag your fingers up or down on the screen without lifting them.

If you are doing it right, you will hear VoiceOver announce the changing volume level as you move your fingers.

By Ray on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 22:03

In reply to by David Goodwin

Thanks David. Works brilliantly....

Thanks for the heads up Chuck....... I've also got the FreeGo headset on order, thanks again for that...

By Just Another B… on Friday, December 31, 2021 - 22:03

It is not as quick but for me it is more reliable. I use the rotor gesture to find volume and then swipe one finger up or down. Check VoiceOver settings on the watch or Watch app on your phone to make sure volume is in the rotor.