Water Lock on Apple watch 2 makes VoiceOver skip out at times?

By Ashleigh Piccinino, 4 March, 2023

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

I've previously finished a swimming workout, as stated earlier--not really in my pool, which is 18 feet in diameter at the widest point. I was, of course in my shower doing that. Anyway, after I stopped this workout, VoiceOver seemed to still skip when speaking. is anyone else having this problem? of course, I'm running the Watch version 2, so it's quite a dinosaur I guess. However, it works well for me/needed something accessable for health--better than Amazfit, if you've used one of those watches.
ASP--Ashleigh Suzanne Piccinino



By Holger Fiallo on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

It is not recommended to use the watch in the showerdue to soap.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

I never have so far put soap on the watch face or band. I just use it for filling the tub/shower combo a little. After all, I think the user guides say you can use it there. By the way, how do you clean Apple watch, face and band alike?
Ashleigh Piccinino
P.S. Managed to get everything right again with the earlier stated reboot process. I like that, so thank you.

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

I use a towel to clean my watch. Using Series 7 with current OS. No issues with my watch.

By Brooke on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

It's normal for Voiceover to sound muffled and kind of odd after the watch gets wet. It just takes a while for the speaker to dry out. I noticed that with my series 3. I'm assuming it's the same with my SE model but haven't tried yet.

By Siobhan on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

Hi Ashley. I'm sure you understand if you eventually have the funds to upgrade to a newer model some of the behaviors you are getting will probably be resolved. It's driving a 1950's car verses even a 2016 one. Anyway I'd take the band off the watch use a very mild hand soap on it under lukewarm water dry it completely even leaving it over night to made sure the little pins that go into the face itself are indeed dry. Af the for the face or body of the watch itself, I might use a microfiber cloth with gentle rubbing action. I would not even dare use anything like any glass cleaner or wipes because well, I'm protective as all hell and wouldn't want to try anything. also, they do sell screen protectors for the watch so you might want to look into getting one even if you will use that watch for awhile yet. I didn't get one but I'm starting to maybe consider it as I tend to hit the screen by accident and just, feel bad I did. I know it sounds crazy but I never said I was sane Lol.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

I don't dare take the band off although I read how to. I have a pretty sharp tendency to bend those little pins when I'm frustrated and all. therefore, I'll need help to remove the band and add it back again. okay, so four protectors for the screen came with my watch, and they're plastic. however, when I try putting these on, I can't move the digital crown/feel for the side button and use the screen. The friend I got the watch from said that the protectors should never be taken off, but do they go over the silicon case? this is now on the watch, and the plastic ones also have the dc and side button compartments. there are also holes on the left side for the speaker/microphone--I assume the mike's on the left. How do I install one of these plastic covers accessably? I don't want to have sighted assistance but understand if I need it for optimal impact and no damage to the watch or band.
Ashleigh Piccinino
P.S. I kinda like the way VO sounds when "underwater," don't you? Of course, that means the speaker has gotten wet and VO is speaking like that, not all in bubbles as you'd expect a mermain/merman to speak when underwater. Of course, see the fourth Harry Potter film for more on that. I also esxpected the tones of the unlocking sound to be much deeper after the watch filled with water. they aren't though, and I don't feel any of this water on my wrist ... as of yet. However, I haven't used it in our 4.5 foot deep pool yet, of course/not in the lake either. then again, the person who was demonstrating water locking was on youtube with a speaker connected to their watch.. why can't the water lock automatically come on the millisecond it notices water? of course, this might be for newer watches only.

By Siobhan on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

Seen the Hp films, the books were better. Second, I won't put my watch in water, I have a tendency to be the person witht the how did you do that? type of problems. My last name is Murphy for a reason after all. Seriously though, you might want to get help with the screen protector, or even purchase a glass one, I'm not a fan of the plastic ones myself. Remember that if it's got a silicon case on it already, that might be why you're having issues putting it on. You might want to sit down with a friend and ask them to tell you or show you what's wrong when things are put on. It also might be better for someone sighted putting it on you don't want the airbubble effect. You can't tell how water lock will sound based on a YT vid, I played around with it and although I know how to work it, I just won't use it. The newer watches don't act like that, you need to envoke water lock. You don't want to wash dishes and find you can't answer a phone call because it's in water lock right? The band is extremely simple. Flip the watch on it's face. At the ends of the band, where it is at the watch, there's a tiny button. take a fingernail and press in. You'll feel the button go in a tiny bit. Now you put pressure ont he band sliding it away from you. So if the watch in the center of your body, press the left button, slide it outwards towards your left hand. It comes off easily. Do the same on the right, the band is removed. Now reverse this process. Grip the watchwith fingers thumb and pointer gently so you hold it still, sliding the band back toward the watch. It will feel resistance as it goes in, Push gently until you think it's in. Do the same on the other side. Now place two fingers on the band's sides and push a bit harder you'll feel might even hear a click. That's replacing the band. David woodbridge has fabulous podcasts on it. If you're worried you will be frustrated, I'm Irish after all, have someone watch you. You can do a lot more then you realize. remember some of this is your watch being older but you can still get functionality out of it. Contact me for more help.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

Thank you for all this, this thread can end now.
P.S. Get back to God if you can--way away from HP and all that crap! Even Chronicles of Narnia's not that good for Christian stories, shame shame!

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

I know current watches are made to be use in water for a period of time. However the second gen! Do we know if it is the sane of the Series 3,4,6,7, and 8? Also using it with taking a shower is not recommended by Apple or AppleInsider. I ask them in a twitter a year ago and was inform that is not a good idea.

By Siobhan on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

Glad you could visualize how to put the band in. Not a God person, don't believe in that stuff. Have a good one, keep asking questions and I promise if your money allows you will have a much easier time with a newer device.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

I sure wish you'd believe in our Heavenly Father. if you'd like to talk further about this and/or naything Apple Watch, please e-mail me. If you share your number, please tell who you are when texting. I don't keep on to texts and calls I don't know an don't receive/make either one of those past seven at night--USA time in Central Time Zone.
Ashleigh Piccinino

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

Please do not go there. I think she told you her feelings. If she or anyone wants to know now they know to contact you outside this poste. Have a good day.

By David Goodwin on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

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By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 31, 2023 - 22:03

Have you completed any challenges for fitness yet? I'm on one, and it's fun. I got my 600 points for today so waiting to do the same tomorrow. This goes on for five more days afterward, so ...