Weather complication on Apple Watch series9

By Graham, 6 October, 2023

watchOS and Apple Watch Apps

Hi, Since I upgraded to Watch OS9 after purchasing the new Apple Watch, the weather complication behaviour Has changed dramatically so it is a pain to use. In watch OS8 you touched the complication and heard something like local weather 16 degrees and cloudy. Swipe right and you heard the next hours pridicted forecast so you might hear 10.00 17 deegrees cloudy, swipe right again and you heard 11.00 18 dg partly cloudy etc. Now you touch the complication and you hear conditions currently 20 degrees and rainy 19 degrees and cloudy at 16 18 degrees and cloudy at 17 etc all spoken in one long string of text. Is this a known bug or have I just got unlucky :-)

Thanks in advance for any advice or help offered.




By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 21:44

in beta 2 of iOS 17.1 is fix. Those who are testing saying so.

By kjw810 on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 21:44

I can't even get my Apple Watch 8 to tell me temperature and weather condtitions like that. My first-generation watch did that nicely. How do I get a complication like that on my watch face? I can either have temperature or vonditions.

By Graham on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 21:44

Okay, first I have the Modular watch face. I have the battery set to the top left corner, The middle complication is set to weather so open the watch face go to the middle complication and turn your digital crown to this and you should be good to go. Hth

By Karina Velazquez on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 21:44

Hi, great to know that everything would be fixed on beta 2, cause in each face I have it works awkward, when half of the time it says nothing in the weather complication

By kjw810 on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 21:44

Thank you!!! I tried that and noticed that it worked. Then, I went back to my infograph face and put the weather toward the middle. it now gives me the temperature and conditions that I wanted! Many, many thanks.

By Jo on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 21:44

I also have the problem with the weather complication on the modular face on my watch Series 8 running the latest update not reading correctly. It reads all of the information together and I don't like that at all. And the weather conditions complication is my middle complication on the modular face. So it is not fixed, at least on my watch.