So I've had my current Intel Mac for about eight years now, and it's definitely time for an upgrade. I am also a regular Windows user in addition to using Mac OS, so I'm contemplating my VM options at this point. My general understanding of things is that Parallels tends to be the superior option. What chatter I was able to dig up on this forum is a couple of years old, but I understand that Parallels was originally a mess to use with VO but was incrementally becoming more accessible. I was wondering about the community's thoughts re: the best VM option these days, as well as how accessible Parallels is to use at this point.
you'll need ocr for parallels
Given that you need to use OCR with parallels, at least when you’re setting up the VM, that’s not really what I would call accessible. However, it can be done. If you’re willing to deal with having to use LCR for the virtual machine set up. Once the virtual machine is up and running, you shouldn't need to touch the main parallels interface again so you should be good to go. But yeah, if an app beeing natively accessible means natively accessible out of the box, meaning the full app not just portions of it... Parallels isn't accessible yet which... Shame given all the other competition is but... I digress. I myself use vmware fusion, although do keep in mind that do to microsoft messing something up, you'll need ocr or a sighted person for vertual machine set up in other programs or have a audio adaptor, because for some reason audio doesn't work in the first install phaze.
parallels is by far the best…
parallels is by far the best when it comes to fetures and performance, once you get passed setup, it's pretty-much fully useable if unintuitive at times
Can you use parallels without an account?
Can you use parallels without an account? Or do you need an account to access all features? Also, when the 30 days are up, are you still able to use it? Or do you still have to purchase a license?
memory fails me but i'd…
memory fails me but i'd think an account is required. As for the license thing, yeah, you need to pay for it.
@jim pickens
What does parallel do better than Fusion for windows vm? From the perspective of a power user. m2 pro base model mbp.
I use VMWare with no problems.
When I have needed to run windows, I have used VMWare fusion. The performance is just as good if not better than parallels, and everything, except for the first phase of installing windows is accessible.
I have used both VMWare and…
I have used both VMWare and UTM, and actually am in the minority that prefers UTM. I don't feel that VMWare is that much more stable or offers really any better performance. If I were you, I would go for a newer machine that offers at least 16 gb ram, not an older machine like the M1 with its base 8 gb. I find 8 gb on the m1 to be perfectly fine for anything else I would ever need to do in Mac OS, but once that gets split between the mac and your VM, it is just not the best. This is coming from someone who uses a vm on the daily with only 4 gb ram, so if you can get more, get it. If you can get an M3 or M4, you will have a very very nice experience. Even an M1 with more ram would be way better than anything you have experienced thus far.