Moving Pics Off An iPHONE to Windows in iOS8

By Deborah Armstrong, 12 August, 2015

I had a problem moving pics off my iPHONE to my PC, which I solved. Am posting here so it might help others.

For purposes of keyword searching, see also
photos, pictures, copy, delete, transfer, import

We were on vacation and my hubby wanted to use my iPHONE as a camera.

When we got back to the hotel, I plugged the phone in to my Windows netbook but the Portable Device, iPHONE internal storage folder was empty. Normally under "computer" in Windows, cameras and iDEVICES show up as portable devices. This continued to do so, but there was no content; all the folders appeared empty!

I tried a ton of things, including trying to change its storage class in Windows (which is what I needed to do for copying files to and from a Variaultra Braille display) but nothing worked. I didn't have nor did I want to install iTUNES on this little Netbook.

I knew the pics were there, and all the solutions I found online said the phone would appear to be a camera to Windows with a DCIM folder. I'd done this before, and had never experienced trouble.

I tried multiple cables and USB ports; no luck!

I finally decided to try unlocking the phone. Sure enough, a message appeared on the phone asking "Trust this computer?" and displaying my netbook's network name.

I chose Yes, and everything was good.

So with the latest iOS 8, you can't import pics if the phone is locked, or if you haven't said Yes to the trust question first.

Hope this helps someone else.


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By Ken Downey on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 - 12:00

I've actually come across this same problem. THE way I found out was, I got bored with the computer. was not responding, and while I rebooted I played with the phone a bit, and found the trust message right away.
Jaws started blabbering about it.