RS Games Client for iOS: Beginner's Guide

By tunmi13, 26 November, 2016


This guide's been corrected a bit, please read on.


Welcome to Blindfold RS Games, where the RS Games client may be played not only on your Mac/PC, but also your iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.

Blindfold RS Games gives you access to all the games found on the RS Games client. This is a beginner's guide to guide you through all the basic commands, so that you may be on your way.

This guide is organized into sections. These sections can be found by using the Headings option in your Rotor, or the default form of navigating by heading on your device.

Basic Gestures (onscreen)

  1. Move to the previous element: flick up
  2. Move to next element: flick down
  3. Move to the first element in a list: flick left
  4. Move to the last element in a list: flick right. If you are using Blindfold Swipe Actions which can be found under Game Settings, simply flip the instructions above. So instead of swiping up and down to move back and forward, it would move to the first and last element, and instead of moving to the previous and last element by flicking left or right it would be for moving backward or forward an element.

Basic Functions (with Bluetooth Keyboard)

  1. Move to the previous element: Up Arrow
  2. Move to the next element: Down Arrow
  3. Move to the first element in a list: Left Arrow
  4. Move to the last element in a list: Right Arrow
  5. Jump to an element: Use first letter of it. Again, Blindfold Swipe Actions would flip the swipe actions that are used above.

In Game Commands (onscreen)

  1. Leave game: three finger swipe left
  2. Chat: three finger swipe right
  3. Who's turn is it?: two finger tap
  4. Postpone the start of the next round: two finger double tap (usually known tap)
  5. start game: two finger swipe right
  6. Add a bot: two finger swipe down
  7. Remove a bot: two finger swipe up
  8. Key Menu: one finger tap and hold

In Game Commands (with Bluetooth Keyboard)

  1. Leave Game: Q
  2. Chat: Control Plus 2
  3. Navigate to first message in Chat History: Command Plus Left Arrow
  4. Navigate to the most recent message in Chat History: Command Plus Right Arrow
  5. Move back a message in the Chat History: Command Plus Down Arrow
  6. Move forward a message in the Chat History: Command Plus Up Arrow
  7. Postpone the start of the next round: P
  8. Key menu: Key menu is on the touch screen only.
  9. Who's Online?: W
  10. Send private message: Control plus 8


Hope this guide helped you figure out what the heck you are doing. Happy gaming, and add me as tunmi.


The article on this page has generously been submitted by a member of the AppleVis community. As AppleVis is a community-powered website, we make no guarantee, either express or implied, of the accuracy or completeness of the information.



By Blurry_81 on Thursday, July 26, 2018 - 11:55

Hi, can you please tell me how to find chats that I’ve missed? I swipe down with three fingers and click on chat history but it seems to only bring up one chat? Are the chats selective to games? And when I click chat on the menu and it brings up a new chat, who am I chatting with? Very confused lol hope someone can help :)

By TJT 2001 on Thursday, July 26, 2018 - 11:55

A chat can either take place inside the main menu of a game or inside a game itself. Chats consist of everyone in the same location as you, so for example, if you write a message in the main menu of the Uno game, all of the other players in the main menu of the Uno game will also see your message, and if you are playing an Uno game with three other people and write a message to them, those three people will see your message. If you want to message just one person, you can use the private message feature.