General information about the AppleVis website

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No, AppleVis receives no external funding or sponsorship.

We do, however, offer a means for our community to financially support us by becoming a member of Club AppleVis.

Club AppleVis offers members and friends of our community a means of directly contributing towards the financial costs of operating AppleVis—thus ensuring that we can continue to deliver the information, help, and support that so many people have come to value and rely on since our launch in 2010.

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No, AppleVis has no affiliations or links with any other website or organization.

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We endeavour to make the AppleVis website as accessible for screen reader users as possible. However, with the limited resources available, it is simply not possible to test the site with every possible combination of screen reader and web browser.

So, if you experience any problems with accessing the site, please make sure to let us know. We can't guarantee that we will be able to fix the problem, but at least being aware of the problem means that we will try.

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At AppleVis, we aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information on our website. However, there may still be errors or inaccuracies. By using the website, you acknowledge this possibility.

When viewing app information in the App Directory, keep in mind that accessibility may have changed since the comments were posted. This information should only be used as a guide and not as proof of accessibility.

Inclusion in the AppleVis App Directory does not imply endorsement or guarantee of accessibility. It is simply a reference resource.

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The general rules for participating in competitions and Giveaways on AppleVis are: