By AppleVis, 14 October, 2018

In this second podcast in a multi-part series, Thomas Domville gives us an introduction to Siri Shortcuts on iOS.
Shortcuts on the App Store:
Note: Siri Shortcuts requires iOS 12 or later.
Podcast File
(24.36 MB)
Magic tap to edit shortcut
Hi Thomas! I just listened to the podcast, and yes, single finger double tab in the library runs the shortcut. But also, useing a two-finger double tab (also known as the magic tap) in the library with any shortcut will open the edit shortcut box directly, without having to flick through the actions rotor. HTH!
Magic Tap
Hello David,
Now that is very useful! Thanks so much for that tip and I'll be sure to use that in the next podcast and mention for that wonderful tip!
- AnonyMouse
1-finger double tap doesn't run my shortcut
Hi Thomas. Another great podcast, and looking forward to part 3.
Interestingly, 1-finger double tap on a shortcut in my library acts like edit for me, and does not run the shortcut. I wonder if it's device-specific. I'm on an older iPhone SE.
Reply No. 3
Hi! I'm just guessing here, but you probably had the previous Work flow app. I'm using an iPhone SE as well, and on my end the single finger double-tap always runs the shortcut.
Notice that in the original Work Flow app, the single finger double-tap opens the edit shortcut field, so Apple have changed some things as they work.
Of course, this is a 1.0 version release, so the app may crash or have bugs. But I'm using an SE like you, so I guess it may have not very much to do with the app being buggy and stuff. Hope this helps!
Awesome Job
Just listened to this on Sunday evening, and really enjoyed it. This is all a bit overwhelming to me for now, lol. But I'm looking forward to eventually trying these shortcuts out. I managed to independently download a free 3rd-party app last night without being bitten by that passcode confirmation thingy in the app store. Thanks again Thomas for a job well done.
Great Work!
Hi Thomas, wonderful job on the podcast, definitely makes me want to play around with Shortcuts more. I was wondering if anyone knew of a shortcut that I could get that would allow me to share a Reminders list via text message to a contact? I had one before when I used to use WorkFlow and when I updated to iOS 12 and tried to use it in Shortcuts, it wasn't working the same?
I found one in the Gallery that seems to be it but can't figure out how to have it send reminders from a particular list.
I've also noticed something when trying to initiate Shortcuts using Siri. Let's say for example you add the "Share Location" shortcut to your library. In that shortcut, there is an action to add a specific contact to share your location with. I thought that if you left this blank, that when you triggered the shortcut with a Siri command, the shortcut would run and then you would be asked to add a name in order to continue with the shortcut. I realized that when setting up these Shortcuts with a Siri command, you can't leave that field blank, or else Siri will come back with a message saying that something went wrong with the app. If you run the Shortcut through the Shortcuts app or through the Today page widget, then it works fine, but with the Siri command, you have to make sure to have a name in the recipient's field.
Granting access?
It's my guess that it has something to do with granting access to survices? I had a similar message happen to me today when I didn't switch on mobile data for Shortcuts to give me word of the day from a dictionary. So I guess it might be a service not accessible or something? Just guessing here.
Granting Access
I was lucky enough to find the original "Share Grocery List" workFlow, now seeming to work with Shortcuts, from the iMore page. I've managed to add it to my library and did add a command to work with Siri.
When I tried running it via the Siri command, it still came back with "Something went wrong with the app". I did notice, back when I added the shortcut originally, that it needed permission to access Reminders and Contacts, which I granted. The issue occurs after granting all of the permissions.
I have a feeling it has to do with the last action in the workflow. The last action is to send via text message and I typically didn't add any contacts as I never knew who I would need to share my list with. I have a feeling that when running it using a Siri command, Siri doesn't like that. Siri would rather prefer I add a name to the workflow and not leave it blank.
Thanks so much!
I so enjoy your podcasts. I've learned a lot from them over the years. I appreciate you taking time to do them!
Gallery not loading
Has anyone had any problem with the gallery loading? Mine has never loaded since the upgrade to the Shortcuts app.
RE: Gallery Not Loading
You could perhaps try deleting the app and re-downloading it from the App Store. I've got no issue loading the Gallery. HTH!
Share location and Siri
That happened to me as well using the share location. I left the Recipients text box empty and when I tried the command with Siri she said ' sorry, there was a problem with the app'. Also, it doesn't work the way I want it too. As some of you know the way it works now is you add your Recipients and it messages them all in one fowl swoop. I wish you could say " send my location" or whatever your own personalized saying is and then Siri would ask you to whom and then you would say a contact/phone number/email or even a prompt would be fine. Still learning though. The shortcuts feature has a lot of potential and these podcasts help so much.
Editing the better mail merge shortcut
I want to edit this shortcut to be able to use from the share sheet in Twitterrific. I have not been able to figure out how to enter my email address is that I routinely share with. Any thoughts? I have chick to give all the permissions for the necessary apps.v
next podcast
When is the next podcast released?
last podcast
When does the third part come out?