In this month's edition of Apple Crunch, Thomas Domville, Marty Sobo, and John Gassman discuss recent Apple news and other topics of interest.
- Introduction
- Results of the AppleVis First Ever Survey by the Community
- Apple Intelligence has Arrived with iOS 18.1
- Looking Forward to iOS 18.2
- Apple is reportedly moving away from annual launches
- Closing
- The 2024 AppleVis Community Survey: A Summary of the Results and Looking Ahead
- Apple Releases iOS 18.1 and iPadOS 18.1; Bringing New Bugs and Some Fixes for VoiceOver and Braille Users
- Gurman: Apple internally believes that it’s at least two years behind in AI development
- Tim Cook defends Apple coming late to AI with four words - 9to5Mac
- iOS 18.2: New features coming to your iPhone (other than AI) - 9to5Mac
- Apple reportedly postponing a ‘larger-than-usual’ number of upcoming iOS 19 features
- Apple is reportedly moving away from annual launches
- The coffee table book of Apple Music's Best 100 Albums will set you back $450
- Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo – Announcement Trailer - YouTube
- Joker Greeting Endless Meowy Christmas With Glitter - Loops a meowy christmas song over 3 hours!
If you have feedback or questions for the Apple Crunch team, you can reach them at [email protected]
Disclaimer: This transcript was generated by Aiko, an AI-powered transcription app. It is not edited or formatted, and it may not accurately capture the speakers’ names, voices, or content.
Hello and welcome to Apple this is Apple crunch and my name is Thomas Domville also known as AnonyMouse And along with me.
I found a couple guys here that came along with me to do this month Apple crunch.
Let's bring in Marty How you doing Marty?
Hey Thomas, how's it going?
I'm good.
Thank you.
I like that.
You're quick simple and fast Just like that bit it did it And and then we have John gaspman on the other end how you doing John just to be different I'll say that I really suck today Really?
Well, I was kind of I don't know you don't I don't think you do.
No, it's been a wonderful month I'm just if Thanksgiving time here in the states and getting the old turkey ready.
I don't know something guys be creative We have a lot to be thankful for this year.
I'll say that Yes, lots of fun new Apple products You know because we're gonna have apple pie for dessert on Thanksgiving, you know, that is true.
Oh That was good.
That was good.
I'm gonna have an whatever you do don't rest it on your iPhone screen That's true and make sure you also don't go crunch crunch crunch into your iPhone screen when you're eating your apple pie Or unless you've got insurance.
Well, then you can yeah, then you get a $50 break on physical damage.
Yeah There you have it.
There you have it.
Well, you know, I and I I I can safely say I still don't have an iPhone 16 guys No, oh you don't I know no, I still haven't you're outnumbered then Thomas cuz we do Are you both on iPhone 16 now?
I got the pro on Wednesday the 20th of November and in fact my 14 is now a brick and I'm gonna send it in or take it in and Get get the nice little money that they made Verizon's giving me.
So there you go And John what day and date did I get my iPhone 16 on?
No, I'm just kidding.
I got mine I don't know shortly after the last time recorded probably about a month ago.
I would say so you both have we'll see now Pro I know I did get the 16 Pro. Yes.
Yes, both of us did so we're looking forward to all the December AI stuff Yeah, I yep.
Well, okay, you guys are well, actually you should be already.
Well, we'll talk more about that By the way, but is there a list of all that stuff that's coming in December somewhere?
There must be somewhere But I don't care where it is.
Well, I know you what we'll cover it today.
How about that?
There you go Yep, and 18.2.
That's coming up in December We will talk about what you need to know about Apple intelligence and what you don't really want to know about 18.1 Apple intelligence So we will talk about that.
But first we had our first ever Apple is at survey basically just kind of asked in our community what they think of Apple viz and kind of help us trying to figure out what we Could do better in Apple viz and what kind of things?
would they like to see coming up in the Upcoming years for Apple viz and it turned out to be a pretty busy little survey the loss of people came on and left great responses and Of course, there's always a few out there that you know we'll just leave them out, but that left us not so good rating, but nonetheless The overall experience of Apple viz was pretty good It was 96 percent tile that people thought the Apple viz was great in terms of experience And that was not to be to be a surprise.
Did that surprise you guys at all?
not really I think of the majority of the people really like what Apple viz does and what they have to offer and like Anything anywhere you go.
Nothing's perfect.
So you're not gonna make everyone happy all the time So that's a pretty high number.
I would say for the majority.
Thank you, Marty not gonna make everybody happy That is definitely right, you know, there's always a few that What can I do?
Can I say rotten apples?
There you go, they wouldn't be happy unless they were unhappy.
There you go.
Yep Let's see the experience How about conscience that Apple viz editorial provides that was at 94 percent?
And then the one that doesn't surprise me at all is is what do you feel about the climate tone of?
Apple viz in terms of the forum discussion and things like that.
That means that if You do you feel like his toxicity level is high or do you feel like this great or not?
But this didn't surprise me at all and it was at 72% and I know that is an error that we have been working very hard ever since we reopened Apple viz 2.0 and Really and a couple people actually noticed the difference Since we reopen and they actually put that in the survey so hey we have noticed that and we appreciate that and so we're trying really hard to get that number way back up because We really want to get people back on and I realized in a back in the days We did have some pretty toxicity people on there and so we're trying to put a clamp down on all those people just to tell them down either you tone it down or You know, unfortunately, you're just not welcome to Apple business.
So that way more people will be feel more welcome to it.
So I'm sure you guys probably seen toxicity issues before an Apple viz.
Have you not?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I mean but You know like you're not gonna make everybody happy all the time and in typical, you know Virtual world fashion will call it people feel like they can say or do whatever they want behind the keyboard You know, yeah, you know It's unfortunate because you know, I've even noticed and you guys notice it and that to me that means everybody knows I mean, it's it's not a hidden secret at all that there has been some pretty terrible responses that were not helpful or like We get silly responses like, you know, I'm getting a Mac What would you recommend because I'm coming from Windows and they're all saying don't I would never go to Mac?
blah blah blah blah, you know, and I understand that you can have a Conversation but not necessarily a debate.
This is not a debate.
This is people asking specific questions They won't get answers and don't want to be Hogged down or tied up with all these nonsense that you know Windows is better for you and things like that You know once you made you your mind up you made your mind up and So I'm we are trying very hard to get that under control I would like to hear from everybody if you guys have noticed any improvements Send us an email Apple crunch at Apple this calm I'd like to hear from you.
What's your thoughts if things have been improved if you ever do find anything like that if somebody is being obnoxious or toxic to other people reported to us and that way we can handle the situation and try to Get things back in line so with that and then of course, would you recommend Apple viz to others and That also got a 96 percentile now.
I would be curious out of you guys We did ask what are your they your favorite parts of Apple viz?
What do you come to Apple viz for so we gave you the option of one or two?
Areas of Apple viz and so I'm curious what you guys think what what made you come to Apple viz?
What's your most favorite part?
I would say when you're looking for specific apps or when there's app reviews and you Have some reviewing an app that will run through not only the functionality of the app how it works But whether it works well with or without voiceover because you know, that's kind of at the end of the day You know the basis of what Apple viz is and you know You could go down a rabbit hole trying to find apps and whether they work with voiceover or not You could be spending a lot of time and money trying to figure that out on your own so, you know I appreciate that people go and try to figure that out and put a Actual real post about specific apps and say how how well they work or don't work, you know It's great for the consumer But it's also great for the developers if they're open-minded to it Then maybe they'll fix their apps and make them work better for everyone.
So how about you John?
I like the apps a lot the review of the apps.
I like the podcast so that you can get a basic hands-on with what what the app or feature is going to to work like and I also really like the Description of the Apple updates because most of the time you're not gonna get the voiceover related stuff from Apple You're only gonna get that on Apple this because that's the audience we're going for Definitely and if you're looking for like an audio kind of walkthrough on how things work.
There's someone, you know Thomas we won't name names here who does a great job of doing some audio tutorial and walkthroughs on there that are You know great to listen to and kind of do a deep dive on You know certain apps and the way things work and stuff like that.
So good job to you You should get a gold star on the refrigerator.
You should be nominated Thomas Dombeau Hall of Fame into the gold star on the refrigerator.
We'll call it the gold star.
Oh my gosh Oh gosh, you know, I agree with both of you I think a lot of people agree is that the one thing that Apple Viz really shine is What new app is out there that we need to know about that?
It's really accessible.
So, I mean I know that More times than not there's games that comes up I would have never known about the games if it wasn't been posted on Apple Viz So I think a lot of people can say the same thing now There are obviously mainstream apps that we will try, you know, I'm not gonna mention any of the social platform But you know, they're just your typical ones and you just download it and you just try it But sometimes you just don't know about something.
That's what Apple Viz shines, but you're right So here is in order what people voted for Being the most usable or the most favorite thing on Apple Viz and I was surprised Apple Viz podcast was number one I really was surprised app directory was number two That didn't surprise me at all The Apple Viz blog, so I think that hits right there with what John was saying So, you know what all the new Apple products and not only that but what?
Accessibility new things and what's been broken on each version of iOS So I can see why people like that a lot and that obviously includes lots of other things for blogs And then the discussion board So that is the top four that people came to vote on what their favorite section So yeah, the forum obviously that's probably our biggest and busiest section Where we get people to come and comment and leave questions and things like that That doesn't surprise me too as probably a huge I would say percent of everyday traffic is based on the discussion forum and the most requested items that people would like to see Apple Viz implement and obviously the number one and I knew this will probably The the one everybody one is Apple Viz having them his own app We've been wanting that for ever and ever and ever and due to cost and and things like that has always been hindered But you never know I am is something that we will definitely take to be my eyes and see if that's something that's ever going to be Possible or if that's if they would be able to have the time and resource to do that that would be beautiful So that's the number one request That they would like to see for Apple Viz the other two items are more realistic and I think we might be able to incorporate it and that is a multi-language and we have been kind of teasing about that just trying to get some thoughts out there and Trying to make Apple Viz come in all different flavors of languages around the world I mean, how cool would that be?
I think that would be huge have Multilingual people coming in be able to type in natively whatever you're That you speak in and you just put in French and then we come in and we're looking at it and it just translated On the fly that would be ideal We love that and then of course the other ones that people those Would probably be the AI if we can get AI incorporated into the search meaning that It would do a lot like what you see and a lot of the AIs nowadays Where they have certain data set that you can just type in and it's just all about Apple Viz So anytime you type in something it will pull up anything that was mentioned So I can get creative like I want a fantasy game that Deals with the role playing da da da da and I'll bring it up and that are accessible That would be nice and that would bring that up in those results.
So those are the top three I mean that doesn't really surprise me.
I think that That's been on mind for a lot of people is that if was there anything Missing from those three that you guys thought I can't think of anything else right now No, I can now is that something I mean, what was your top once if you had to pick?
What would you like to see on the roadmap for Apple Viz?
I think the language is a great idea because it just broadens You know the amount of people in the places where you can have the people come from I mean that would be the real kind of definition of Apple Viz being worldwide really at that point, right?
So I yes so those are definitely on our roadmap as in we are going to sit down and talk about among the team and the Technical team with the be my eyes and see if we can do any of that and nothing is ever guaranteed But it's something that we like to kind of just Dangle to our carrots to be my say here what they really want and we would love to see these improvements if that can be done so hopefully within the next month or two, we'll have a sit-down conversation with the Be my eyes a technical group and we'll try to figure out what we can do from here and on out You know, we have introduced something new this month.
Um, if a lot of you probably haven't seen we now have Existing podcast submissions So if you aren't aware that you the commuter can submit their own podcast to us for us to review and then post it on your behalf on Apple Viz site I don't think a lot of people know that so we also introduced something new this month and called blog submission so if you're a writer and you've always wanted to be seen or have your talent in a way that be present to Thousands of thousands if not tens of thousands of people that come to Apple Viz to be seen so you can submit those blog to us Those can be found Within the Apple Viz site itself.
So we now have those two features for you to Also participate so it isn't just a Tom show.
I don't want it to be a Thomas show I want everybody to commit and if you want to do a podcast submitted to us I would love to have you out there because this is a community-driven Apple Viz site and so we want to make sure that everybody gets heard Now let's talk about what John was talking about earlier Apple intelligent has arrived.
Yes, it did 18.1 dropped last month guys, and I'm sure I'm positive.
Well, you both have your iPhone 16 So you I would think you're on 18.1.
You both know that I definitely Well, let's talk about bugs first before we get to anything else.
So the two oh gosh I can't believe We are talking about this kind of bug This is a bug that I'm just kind of shaking my head at Apple and say how in the world Does this slip and that is being and giving the ability to move apps into within folders is not Cannot be done and I need 18.1 and I was like this is insane there is a way there is a workaround and if you use the drag and Then you open up the folder and then try to drop it within the folder.
It should work It doesn't work every time but it should work Half the time, but if you try to say drop and folder, it won't work at all It's just broken and that's just I mean, isn't that an eye-rolling moment?
I mean, it's like how did that get past?
the quality testers on Apple of something that's so basic Staple of voiceover.
I don't know what you guys here.
Here's a thing.
That's even crazier than that For 18.2 this this bug was in 17 actually and it took them a while to fix it But they finally did fix it and now they broke it again in 18.
No, I don't know.
It doesn't make any sense It's like how did it how could you break something this basic like this?
I mean I I would figure that there I wouldn't you think the size of Apple would have a dedicated team?
They have a set checklist and these guys their life is got to be born what you go through this checklist It's checklist.
It said swipe right so I break tripe left swipe up do two finger tap That that it done move this move that I would think there'd be a checklist every version But I'm gonna agree with you a hundred percent.
There should be they should be In terms of testing betas, you know, and then we've all tested betas stuff slips sometimes through the cracks and it's not intentional, but it just does then it becomes how quickly can you fix it and You know, that's a major item for a lot of people So assuming that it really is fixed in 18.2.
We don't have too much longer to wait and the thing that's it, you know also Disappointing is that you would think that if it did slip out on the internal beta, right?
At least it would get picked up by the public beta and the people out there testing and then they would fix it before it Went to GM, but now they let it go all the way to GM Well, you know, it wasn't all the way through 18.1 beta.
I will say that It was broken like midway process and sometimes I know those last Beta two version of beta That's when they kind of start cleaning things up and says any more bugs at this point doesn't get fixed We're just now cleaning up necessary things I want to say it broke right around that process.
So it was in the latter part of 18.1 beta testing when we saw That being broken.
I'm I'm I know for sure that people report it but I was My problem is is that I considered that a huge problems I think that that should have been slipped into the GM because that is a major problem That is not something a minor bug.
This is a serious bug I think anything that serious have to do with voiceover needs to be addressed And put in those other security things that needs to be put in for the last GM I think it should be right up there, but I just feel like they don't it's just a shame and the other part that I noticed too is that it does involve Apple intelligence is That if you try to summarize something, so if you want to summarize an email or a web page Well, it will summarize it.
You just don't see it.
There's no result It just says loading and you don't see the results now if you were to do a copy You then paste it somewhere so you can see the results.
But again That is a new huge release in 18.1 as an Apple intelligent item I would think I would like to say that all Major features that comes out and a version like 18.1 should be fully accessible at that point Yeah, I figured I was doing something wrong when I first saw the props the other day But evidently not no, he's just it's just like are you kidding me?
So those were the two major bug that we had But John kind of hinted and we'll get to 18.2 in a minute here about Some of the things 18.1.
I think people really like were the call recording Being able to record phone calls and this is for everyone.
This is not just for those with Apple intelligent devices This is for all devices out there can now Record phone calls.
So I thought that was pretty slick and that includes the transcription So transcription is part of that as well I know John has some questions and I know I had to help him try to find the record button Did you ever get that down packed?
Yeah, I think I did it.
It took a while at first to find where stuff was right It wasn't intuitive, but you know, maybe no change it around and make it intuitive down the line But at least well the capabilities there that keypad was hiding it now What's strange John is that the in the earlier beta?
I didn't have to hide the keypad It was right there at the top left every single time So with the keypad up or down it was always at the top left when the GM dropped That's when they changed it or broke it I don't know which either one and that's when I found out you had to hide the keypad in order to see the record button at the top left, so It's just Fascinating how things change and it's so hard for us to know Was that a bug or is that a change so we don't know I actually came across a pretty major bug I don't think as many people know about it because not everyone uses it but the bug that I have found is that When you go to send money with Apple cash So say for example, I'm gonna send Thomas money and I use Siri and I say send Thomas $100 and it will say that it doesn't work and then you go and to look and then it ended up sending it twice So that's pretty bad.
Are you serious?
Was that consistent?
Yeah, we tried it on two different accounts on two different phones and the same thing happened both times.
Oh wow Yeah, I would be careful people like if you're sending money Make sure you pay attention if you're using Apple cash and that it's doing what it's supposed to do That I will have to write down this into the team and see if you can't reproduce that in 18.2 See if that's fixes this so you serious so if I would send you a dollar it will send it twice Yeah, you'll get a notification like Siri will say it didn't work and it'll seem like it made an error that didn't send But then you go look in the list and it shows that it actually sent it twice Wow Wow that I I'm thank you for reporting that and I'm sure our listeners out there would appreciate that I know about I've used Apple pay on it and I didn't have any problem with it It must be just when you're sending cash to someone Yeah, well, I was sending someone some cash and that's how I found out and then we said whoa, this is crazy What what is happening here and we looked and saw that it sent twice So we went and recreated the same exact situation on a different phone with a different account and everything And it did the exact same thing.
Well, you're just paid up for two months now.
Yeah, there you go Now you sure that the prompt was correct and that it actually did send it twice and not just the one time Yeah, because it shows in the list like when you open up the body of the text message So if I was to say send, you know if I was to say to s lady, you know send it What was the term I used Apple pay?
Thomas a hundred dollars, right?
When you go into the body of the message when you're all done, it shows it twice So there's two of those Apple pay icons that show that it's got sent two times and not only one time And you're sure that once you after this podcast send me ten dollars and we'll see if it does twice But I just just joking Doesn't send it the second time Well, I don't know go to your bank I guess wouldn't you to find out for sure if it actually did get sent or well the other person on the other end Received the double payment and well, this is not right.
Yeah, then tried to recreate the problem But then it double paid it back like doing the same exact thing.
It was kind of weird Maybe it works right if there's a certain amount like if you send five thousand dollars, maybe it just sends it once You know, so well, maybe Thomas can send each one of us five thousand dollars I think we should in the interest of science Yeah, and also then he can report that you know to Apple viz and then they could work on it from there You know exactly and you'll see bounce said twice.
Yeah We'll do that.
I'll do that.
You're sure How about those are the non-apple intelligence stuff now the writing tools guys now This was was the one thing I was looking for Um, I'll be honest.
I was so so on it.
What do you guys have you guys use the writing tools?
I have a little bit and on it's so so I agree with you But you know, I'm not gonna give it a full, you know Review because I really want to see what happens when they actually do the full integration of chat GPT That's what I when I think the big change will happen And that's what I want to see how that's gonna work because exactly we're supposed to get a lot more Control over editing tools and what we can do and things like that And I want to see what that experience is like opposed to just using the regular chat GPT Everyone's been using because this is gonna kind of be the first experience the first wall we experiment or whatever you want to say in like a Native Situation usually you got to go out to chat GPT do your thing copy the text bring it back into whatever editor and then go from There and you got to prompt it a bunch of times I want to see what a native experience is like when it all happens You know with notes or wherever and you don't have to keep going back and forth copying and pasting Prompting and back and forth and all that good news Marty I will be talking about just that when we talk about 18.2 coming up and I will say it's night and day difference So in 18.1 the writing tools is so so like Mike Marty and I have mentioned here is just the the problem I have with it is that I feel like if they tried It's unfortunate.
It doesn't feel like it's full like the full Cajunas that they could have put into it.
It seems like it's half-baked.
It's hard to describe it It's like it's so so and if I tried to get prompt to rewrite something in other AI it does a much better results than what Apple does I don't I don't know if that's intentional.
Maybe they didn't want to be as heavy-handed something like the other ones do Maybe they were trying to make it as light as it can be to make it like fair in the middle Yeah, um, I give it three out of five when it comes to prompting.
It does a decent job.
Um, it's okay I like how chat GT GPT does it but anywho the writing tools nonetheless is is a great first step Do I think Apple is going to make it better?
I don't know.
Um, I have a hunch They aren't it seems like when they release something they're done with it Not always not always but it just seems like let's just take sports For example Apple sport if you guys ever played with that you talk about Half-baked it's like really this is the best you guys can do and they don't really update it's it's been out from was what a year now and I haven't seen any major updates to it and It's just disappointing.
I just got a weird feeling.
It's gonna be like that with this hopefully they'll change that but the smart reply I find that to be pretty darn good and that means if somebody were to text me or sent me a Email right above your keyboard.
It's a smart reply area and it does a pretty good job and say hey Are you in a mood for pizza tonight and I can just look in that little smart reply area and it says yeah I would look that it'll just say that not it rather than just say yes No, whatever it does a pretty good decent response back to the person.
Have you guys played with a smart reply?
No, yeah, I've not been smart enough to do that.
I guess I don't think that's anything really that new I mean everything's been doing that Gmail's been doing that for a long time A lot of things have been doing that for a long time.
And so it's kind of just like a canned response basically Um, I don't know Marty, I think is I mean it's definitely a step up from what they had before That's the difference.
Like are we saying that Apple you kind of came into what everybody else is doing or is it actually like a major?
Groundbreaking improvement.
I think they just kind of caught up to what everyone else is doing and finally implemented that true Forever, you know, well we've been talking about that We've been talking about how when Apple intelligence finally dropped in 18 in the WWDC And that's when I found out it says Okay, you guys you finally got the message This is what everybody wants but then we slowly to find out that they are so slow About rolling things out and it's like I don't know but the smart reply is something that you John it's just you had this it wouldn't work for me the first time and that was because I had predictive touch Predictive typing turned off So the predictive typing has to be turned on so it's kind of a double-edged sword That if you like those smart replies you have to turn the predictive text back on So, I don't know if you had that turned off No, I turned it off intentionally because I got tired of reading all the garbage that I wasn't going to use anyway, so Mmm, I turned it off.
Well, a lot of people don't understand how to set things up to make things work Correctly, if you look at an average user and this is the thing about the smart, you know text You know and all of that stuff with the seat with the AI and everything is for example You have to be able to use the rotor and understand how the rotor works and a lot of times that gets lost in Translation because the average person doesn't typically really know how to use the rotor especially out of the box It's hard to figure out how that works and how to make it you how to invoke it and all of that You know, I would say that's one of the things that people just get lost and don't either understand it They don't use it because it's hard to do they don't understand you can change how to use it all of these things and when you have something like that, that's kind of where the average people end up not using a thing then the rest of what the You know features would be get lost and not really talked about that much So it's kind of unfortunate in that sense, right?
You're right I mean this this is probably going to be the big thing I'm gonna say is that for voiceover users, I feel like we're being left behind in a way Yeah, I say in a way so hear me out first I am so blessed and glad that Apple has the accessibility team making all those options work for us Like the writing tools and the smart reply the problem I have is that do you know how long it took me to figure out?
Where in the heck the writing tool was?
It wasn't obvious.
It wasn't in plain sight.
There's no indication like hey check out these new tools Hey voiceover users, you'll have to access this and this from here Let's just take smart reply.
For example, I could not find it for the life of me I had to look look look look look find an article and read what the visual sighted person had to do and then kind of Work backwards now the writing tools wasn't even close who in the world would look under the edit rotor for writing tools And I some people will say now the writing tools you can just do one finger triple tap.
I think they said Or one tap double tap.
No, I gotta think about this one finger double tap hold and then you might About 50% of the time it doesn't always work but always working and go to rotor edit then the writing tools So believe me you would it but that probably took me days to figure out that so you're leaving us to hunt for and just like Marty says these are people that Are very advanced in their Iowa skills and we had problems with this Can you imagine trying to explain this to my mother or to a general users where these are?
I a lot of people would probably never use it because they didn't know it was there or we're defined it and that's the problem With a lot of these things that are coming out is I I point my finger on Apple of not making it clear for us What's new and we're defined things and that's what if a podcast capital of this podcast Easy as you that may seem it you would think people listen that no there's a lot of people that do not listen to the podcast And then we'll come to the site and ask those very same questions About such and such and such but I guess I suppose that's what the beautiful part about AppleViz is that you can come to the discussion forum and ask and Hopefully somebody that will be there to help you answer those questions But you shouldn't have to come to the site.
You shouldn't have to listen to your pockets for that though guys well, if you're think of the average user would be like an iPhone se type of a user right someone who wants to get an iPhone or is on an iPhone But they're not going to go out and spend, you know $1,500 on a phone they're gonna be in that like five to $700 range so it's gonna be a regular version of whatever's out in the time or maybe a previous version They'll pick up a 15 right now regular or maybe they'll pick up a 16 regular or possibly an se Especially when the new ones come out and take away all of the special features all of the AI stuff and all of that If you put a iPhone in someone's hand Who is gonna tell them how to edit text and go?
Oh if you want to jump from one letter to another letter or word from word or Line by line or any of these things that you use the rotor and this is where it is and how you use it And all of that there's like most people don't even know what the rotor is, you know It's kind of like that, you know, you have to sit down with someone who is a doctor with a master's degree to explain To someone who's an average user.
Oh, this is the rotor and this is how you use it, you know I mean they need to be more Upfront or make things easier for the majority of average users to do basic stuff like edit text and whatever, you know Well, I could say on that on the flip side of the coin.
I could say that visual sighted people probably have just the same problem Let's just say, you know my mom she wouldn't have a she have no clue how to add a new account to a mail Once you've added one, how do you read a second one?
There are little things like that that it's gonna be kind of a hunt and You're just gonna have to be adventurous and I can see it both ways.
I see it both ways, but I feel like When you come out with something like this and it's hidden then you need to come out and tell us about it Something as obvious as a writing tool.
This is kind of a big deal Tell us about it.
How do you use it and stuff like that?
But no, you're right.
I mean the Lesson training thing that they have on the iPhone.
It's very basic.
It doesn't go into the details of Characters and headings and and how about text selection?
It definitely doesn't talk about that Though there are more advanced things that are not covered as well So you would probably have to get a book or get somebody to teach you that so Nonetheless, the other Apple intelligent that I found was a complete flop for me Is a notification summary.
This is a different summary.
This is not the same summary that we were talking about I want to summarize this web page.
This is when you get a group of messages for example So somebody a family is texting me and they're all Texting you'll get this new summary notification So it's summarized what that based on what this conversation is having.
I don't know guys I I end up having to turn that thing off.
It drove me baddie because half the time Especially on mail it would group up a couple of males and I would just summarize both and I was like what are you doing?
That's the same for within mail.
If you go and see what's new and there is a thread going on There's a summary in there too, and it drives me bonkers What do you guys think of the notification summary?
Do you like it?
Do you keep it on?
I haven't really had a chance to play with it very much.
It's on by default Yes, it is.
No, it's not it's turned off.
No, it is.
Okay, and that's why I haven't played with it I didn't realize it wasn't on you have to turn on AI to enable that Here's another thing a lot of people at least in the beginning They think once they installed 18.1 that AI was automatically going to be up and running but in real real in reality you actually have to go and request after 18.1 is installed to be a part of the AI thing.
So a lot of people didn't know that so I didn't Right, so you don't even get any IEA stuff until you go and request and then you gotta wait until you get accepted into it Right and I found it in the setting so I went ahead and said yeah I want to be a part of this but I haven't heard any more Since then and when did you do that John Wednesday last Wednesday, right?
So it's 20th of November for those listening later on right so that just goes to show you that a lot of people Probably think oh I installed 18.1 and they're going well, it doesn't seem like anything is any different You know with AI it's just kind of is what it is I bet majority of the people don't know that they need to go into the settings after 18.1 is installed and request to be A part of it and then you got to wait till they send you a message saying, okay Welcome to blah blah blah, you know, whatever they say Apple says that was on purpose that is to make sure that you consent into doing that because there's a lot of That goes behind AI and a lot of people have a lot of fear of data mining and collecting your information so I Heard somewhere some place that they did that on purpose that you have to opt in yourself to be able to turn this on And then clearly state what is and what isn't being used We use this AI function For anything down the line They are but when you install 18.1 like anything else when your phone reboots and you're completely updated 18.1 There should be a notification that says if you want to opt in and do the AI features crew do these steps or whatever They don't tell you anything.
No, right.
It should been a kind of a big thing.
Um That should have been out of day one.
I told her your age.
Would you like to opt in to Apple Intelligent now?
I thought I got the prompt for that.
I thought I did but I don't remember Exactly, but I thought that did pop up you did not because John didn't know he had to find it on accident well, that could have been because Maybe at the Verizon shop.
They probably started it already and went through the setup process and and did that form.
I don't know but that could be I Be curious out there if others have seen the prompt for that send me an email apple crunch at I like to hear how it is Do you know how it is when you get a new phone you just tap you just skip by stuff to get rid of it So you're using it that could have happened that could happen.
That could happen to could happen.
So Marty's since you do have that.
Did you find the notification summary drive you batty or do you like the feature?
Yeah, I don't know.
It's kind of like six one way half a dozen the other Right.
I kind of just look at and go.
Oh, I got a text message for Thomas.
Let me text him back real quick I mean, I don't it doesn't change anything for me really like I'm not going oh my gosh This is out of the ordinary better than before and I'm so whatever I find a half half of times this works great half times a dozen The beautiful part about this is that the notification summary can be adjusted to perhaps I find certain apps do a great job of this for here's an example I have a ring doorbell everything that every time that goes off, right?
I'll have a group of it.
It's trying to summarize that somebody there's motion detected at your door I'm like, I don't need that and so you can go under settings and go down to apps at the very bottom and then find ring doorbell and then there should be an item to turn off the Notification summary for that particular app now there's sometimes it does work Well like messages, so if you do have a group of messages on your lock screen, it'll give you a summary and You'll notice that it's grouped So if you double tap that then you'll be able to expand and then read each of the text one by one and so in some Cases it works some cases don't and so that's what I've been finding.
It's kind of a hit-and-miss Um, I don't think people realize you can turn that on per app base And once again, this is kind of a Marty and I kind of thing is that how in the hell are we supposed to know about that?
So it was one of those things I read and I said, oh I didn't know we can do that and looked and sure enough it's there that's just it's a learning curve with this Apple Intelligent, but nonetheless, that's 18.1 and Funny enough.
We were just talking about this and have we think so far what we've seen is kind of mmm.
So-so and And we felt like they're way behind and it's turned out a leak memo from internal Apple Survey from their group also found out the inside group.
They're thinking they're about two years behind Are they're leading a odds.
I said, yep, that's about right and What's really surprising is that they're comparing it to chat GPT and They find they think that chat GPT is only 25% better than what Siri gives you I'm thinking no way that can 25% sound really low There's no way I There's no way Siri is not it currently now in 18.1.
It's not great It's pretty bad a lot of the time but 18.1 has enhanced it a little bit So if you ask more advanced questions, it has done I've noticed difference.
I have noticed a difference when it comes to certain questions, so it has More depth but it's not in depth or as deep as chat GPT Now the other one they mentioned is that they're finding that You can get 30% more Correct answers or get the right answers you want then Siri and I'm thinking yeah, that's again.
I just found but nonetheless nonetheless It's still young I have to get Apple credit for least starting it.
I'm just I don't know guys I I can't help to be disappointed with Apple and I know they like to take their time and He says himself and the same question a lot of people been asking him You guys are really behind and he finds this is not first but best so Yeah You what are we talking Tim?
Are we talking two three years?
I mean you guys are really late to this party I I know this takes a lot, but I'm really disappointed where they are now and they keep delaying stuff and It's taking them two or three years to catch up and while that's happening everybody that's ahead of them are making strides So are they how long is it gonna take them to catch up?
Well, here's another thing you also have to think about is they're taking an existing technology Chat GPT and they're trying to bake it into their own technology They're not taking all of their own technology and building it from the ground up so how much are they getting sort of Roadblock, maybe not roadblocked or maybe only getting you know, they've got to rely on chat GPT You know to incorporate all of whatever they want to do into whatever they're trying to incorporate it into as a native product, right?
so Does that slow them down?
Does that speed up the process?
I mean, what does that do?
We don't know in the background because everybody's trying to use chat GPT and incorporate it into their thing, right?
So, you know chat GPT is just sitting back going hey, look, we're just you know Everybody's spending a bunch of money to make this happen.
And when is the money gonna go away?
Well, well, I I'm almost With what Monty was saying is that here's the deal.
I Think it was a great catch on their part So we're gonna incorporate chat GPT later this year with our Apple Intelligent to me I mean immediately thought hmm, that means two things one They're just gonna have to rely on somebody else or two They're gonna have to rely on somebody else and why they catch up and that's the one I think they're gonna do It's the latter part.
The problem is this is what Marty says.
Okay takes you two years to catch up.
Well, guess what?
If this this is what's hard for me to believe yesterday was the second anniversary of when chat GPT was released in two years We've gotten this far.
I mean if we have gone Incredible this is can you imagine what two years are gonna be like on those platforms that Apple is still trying to catch up to days AI technology, so I they better put the foot down to the pedal right now I feel like they're nearing a granny car and they're gonna have to get out of that granny car and get into as something There's a lot more Live here like a portion and start pushing on it because I think you guys are gonna be left behind and I know The Apple is is going to at some point want to replace those Chat GPT and other items in place of them, but it's gonna take a lot for me to move back I mean you just lost me already.
So that just shows you What kind of delicate balance you guys are working with?
I'm not trying to bash Apple I'm just trying to be realistic with them Is that Wow, they were way behind my god If you look at the copilot you look at Gemini you look at chat GPT and my goodness look at alley Or ally that's coming out and envision.
It's just incredible technologies out now or will be and Here's Apple intelligence.
This gives me this half baked Writing tools and there's other stuff.
That's like hmm.
That's not really AI that I thought of so bring up 18.2 So we're fast forwarding 18.2 will be out on December 9th So write that down that is gonna be a big day for those that have Apple intelligent devices Now the good news is that the folder option is fixed on Summary is fixed and the type to Siri focus is fixed So there's a lot of accessibility fixes in that I will have to double-check on the Apple cast thing.
But nonetheless Apple Seemed to wait until 18.2 which was terrible, but nonetheless it's coming The only disappointment I have it with 18.2 maybe it's not disappointment.
I'm just get kind of confused these the audio ducking so as You all have seen or maybe heard my podcast on audio ducking.
It's a mess I think it's great that we are able to Change the ducking level to what we like instead of a hard set like in the previous 17 Now the the only thing that was confusing was that they started at 100% And I think that confused the heck out of everybody including myself So if I would adjust it to 150% that means that voiceover will be Stay the same but the media would be lower 50% doesn't make any sense does it guys?
No, but let's take one step back just for a quick second And for those maybe who don't know what audio ducking is you want to give a quick primer?
Just so people understand what you're talking about.
Yeah it's a settings that's for voiceover users that you can turn on and Allow you to adjust how your voice sound over Music movies or background noises.
So if I got on a phone call example, this is a big one for me So, you know when you call your doctor's office, they say press 1 for scheduling press 2 to talk to this blah blah blah It's hard to hear that voice over at the same time while they're talking So it's really hard for me to hear that So audio ducking allows you to turn this option on and so it ducks the background noise down So you can hear voiceover talk better So now when I go to the doctor's office and I have this set I can hear it talking and then when voice come over Pops up and start talking to me 1 2 3 the numpad it comes out really loud and clear and it ducks the Voice and the background this is the same for movies or if you want to say I'm listening to music and I get a text message Good luck trying to hear that text message over your music So with the audio ducking on it reduces the music down and then I'm able to hear my voice over Oh, that's what the message is said.
So the new audio ducking does it allows you to Control how much to duck and how much not to duck.
So previously it would duck half way So 50% it would just duck down sometimes it was a little too strong.
Sometimes not enough for some people So you're able to control that So they came out this I don't know what idea they came out with I'm glad that they were able to give us more control with that But how they did it was a very confusing eye and I think they got a lot of complaints because in 18.2 It goes back to kind of like the way it used to be so you now see The level says 50% that means that is going to duck the media or the background noise to 50% So instead of setting it to 150% which doesn't make any sense to anybody So when I ask you how much do you want to duck you just now adjust that accordingly?
So if you want it a little louder, you can set to 80 90 percent You want a less you can set it to 10 20 30 percent.
So that has changed game So my podcast I did on it.
I have to do it all over again because they changed it They're supposed to implement a lot of this stuff into the new voice memos app also, but I don't know I mean doesn't seem a whole lot different honestly for me Right reason I've had problems with voiceover being loud enough to tell me who's calling me when the phone rings now I've got a loud ring But and so I changed ringtones for that very reason because I can never tell who's calling me until I pick up the phone And hear their voice and I'd like right good differential So that voiceover tells me in advance not that I get that many junk calls on the cell phone But I do occasionally so yeah, so look for that podcast.
I'll be read updated and revisiting it I think is something that we all can use and I showed you how to set it on and off quickly So if you don't want it on all the time, which I don't and there's certain times I want it on Just give that a listen, but no matter if it's changed now.
There is a new accessibility Settings with an 18.2.
It's a very minor one for most of us.
We won't Ever use this but for those with the 16 phones You got that cute little camera control on this side of your device that allows you to control your photos and your video There's an accessibility Settings now for that so if you feel like the delay between tapping on that button is not enough for you You can delay that and set it to way it work for you.
So that is now new in accessibility area They don't going going to that just for going to that camera button just for a quick second You know one of the things that was driving me nuts was that I was always I would always hit that Hit that button on accident, but just because how you grip your phone, you know And it got me thinking is this going to be more of a headache than it's worth So in order for me to make a better experience for myself What I did was I went into the camera settings and I found that you can actually change that button To be a double click instead of a single click that way if you accidentally hit it the first time It will not invoke anything and take you out of what you're doing and then open the camera and do all of that So now I double click it to invoke, you know, whatever you want to have it set at the camera I don't really use the camera all that much for photos But I use like the barcode scanner a lot more So I was able to go in there change that button to be a double click and then also change it to invoke The barcode scanner instead of the camera.
So now if I do hit it, it's not gonna just go Oh now we're leaving what you're doing and we're opening the camera because you hit the button on accident now It doesn't do that now you have to intentionally double click it for it to invoke Whatever you want to set it to be because you can go in there and you have some options to change it to other things But that's what I did and it helped me a lot How good is their barcode scanner with regard to accuracy as compared to other apps that are available?
It works fine I have no issue with it really as long as you point it where you're supposed to point it.
Well, yeah, that's Finding a spot where you need to read.
Yeah, if I didn't have a detector could let you know is right there So it would be difficult.
It's not as easy as just finding a barcode and snap It's just I wish it was that simple on paper.
It looks great.
But I have to play with that It never was that simple to me.
Yeah but I will say I agree with you my wife has an iPhone 16 Pro Max and By the way, that phone is just it's it's so freakin huge guys.
It's not even funny.
It's just like my god This is huge anyway, but you're right almost like an iPad mini really Yeah, right is like an inch and a half different from the iPad mini, but yeah, I always tease you about that But you're right.
I mean the way you grip your phone all the buttons at the top half So you grip the phone at the bottom half and by golly That's it's just good place to put a camera button right in the bottom half where you can squeeze it However, I will say the case of my wife got It was smart.
So it must have kind of knew that was going to be an issue.
So it has a cap on it So you have to lower the cap down or a cover to be able to access the camera button So you just open up the flap and then there's your camera button Otherwise, you can't accidentally press that and I wonder if other cases are like that, too If there's a flap or if that's just wide open on that end Yeah, but you want to know what's terrible about that and why that just sounds ridiculous If you think about it is what's the point of a camera?
Oh my gosh.
Look at that.
Oh, I couldn't get the picture because I couldn't open the cap button on my phone But and I missed it.
Yeah, that's ridiculous Well, and usually those caps are pretty flimsy and they fall off He's got problems there goes a kickback I'm gonna get you know, and now your wife is no longer gonna listen to this podcast What I know what you're talking about I Agree, and I'm glad to that you mentioned there's also a settings for if you want that to be tapped once or double tap to activate it That's nice.
That's a good Tip there.
I hope that like Apple this is done with what's new in this iOS category those series of podcasts will do something very similar at the appropriate time for AI and come out with a whole bunch of different AI Categories so that people can Look through it and kind of get an idea in terms of what's coming and and how to use it.
Yeah, you know That's great.
No, it makes my life difficult because oh, so here's the thing I really do love about 18.2.
So it isn't a disaster all around.
There is one positive thing That's this whole thing is that you do get chat GPT integration So you just have to turn that on and once again, you have to turn that on separately Even though you have AI turned on you still have to go back under Apple intelligence under settings to find the chat GPT to turn That option on to go through this whole rick of a roll Consent to it turn it on.
However, that made a huge difference for me I love this a lot because I use chat GPT all the time Now I don't have to go nearly as much back to my chat GPT standalone app.
I still have to sometimes But for example now when I implement Siri Actually, if you can't figure it out, it will go to chat GPT and get the answer for you now I will say that I think the default prompt is is quick and To the point you can ask again To prompt again to give me more details and I'll give you a little more details But with that on friends is that now I can go to photos or I say I'm on Facebook and I'm in it under photos I can tell Siri look at the screen or look at that photo and it will give me describe it to me Exactly what that photo says it's not Like be my eyes level at the first time you ask but if you prompt it again for description for more details I haven't tried to see if I could just Jump the prompt and say hey, can you look at this and give me more details?
I imagine you could but I'll have to try it and it gives pretty thorough Examination of your photo which is absolutely cool and it'll actually tell you what's on the screen So if there's something that's not accessible it will tell you what's on the screen and I can just ask it What is that button this label is arrows and it'll tell me oh, that's your settings And I don't know how it knows that or what but nonetheless it was incredible the writing tools.
Guess what the podcast I didn't writing tools.
Well, he needs to be thrown out too because they revamped the rating tools To include the chat GPT not complaining, but I have to redo it So you still have the bottom half of your writing tools is the Apple writing tools and it's funny I don't understand why they put the Apple version down the bottom the GTP at the top But you are right set into the prompt so I can do this So I can write an email to John saying hey, you ought to check out this iPhone 16 Pro I absolutely love that they give you X number of space and da da da da and I can just stop there and go to my writing tool gives my prompt I said I want you to include When I said to John plus a summary of what the iPhone 16 Pro specification da da da da GPT style and it puts it all in there says Oh Apple release the iPhone 16 Pro and such-and-such date it has 16 gig of RAM and da da da da and it is just like wow and then I can say Okay, I want to rewrite this with a casual tone Or I want you to rewrite it Based on the writing style that I written to John and you can do that and it's just oh, it's just mind-blowing so that Perspective is huge But it's sad that I had to get GPT to do that not Apple Intelligent and then they stuck the Apple Intelligent down the bottom half.
It's like I never use the bottom half anymore Yeah, it's just incredible So I think if you are a prompt guy and you like that what I've just mentioned you're going to love 18.2 and Catch this here's as a bonus to use chat GPT you get a limited Number per day using the advanced GPT.
This is the stuff that you have to pay for Typically for 20 bucks a month you get that feature for free, but you get a limited number of it I have never ran out of it during the day But at some point if you run out of that then it goes back to the basic 403 version so that's just another thing just kind of show you how amazing that is and somebody told me you can prompt for images, but I haven't been able to do that yet, but Speaking of images.
This is another one.
I thought oh My god, I gosh you probably heard of the image playground that they mentioned at the WWDC Yep.
Um, I don't know.
I I I'm never gonna use it First of all, it's all cartoon.
So it is real.
It's true It's all cartoons and you do have a selection to choose from cartoon or illustration And so there is no photo realistic or really nice.
So they give you really stupid stuff Well, they got like an emoji thing as well You know where you can you know try and come right whatever emoji, you know, and that part is cool But the image yourself it'll give you a list Oh, you want a cowboy hat and so you create this cartoon cowboy hat and you can put it on your photo I'm like, I don't know But that also has to have a writing a waiting period as well So you have to you have to access a waiting period for the playground if you want to access that That one did take me a long time to get into so I can imagine it may not be For everybody, but I think you're gonna be disappointed with that.
I tried to do like Santa with a Mickey Mouse ears on it and I wouldn't do it and I think it was because it's copyrighted I'm like, are you serious?
so It's again if I don't want to pay Disney, you know If they pay Disney a lot of money for being able to do that I'm sorry.
I I think it's also a flop.
Um, yeah, so I'm just disappointed but Nonetheless, I I think Marty you're gonna love the chat GPT.
I don't know far John Do you use chat GPT at all?
Yeah I do I mainly from the website because I have not figured out with the Windows app How to create the desktop shortcut because you're not given a choice to make it a desktop It's it just is they ignore it completely.
So there must be a way we use it for I just ask I've asked questions about various subjects and how to do stuff mainly how to do stuff Yeah, see he's not using it.
Like we he's using it more.
It's kind of like a Modern-day search engine.
He's not using it.
Like we use it.
Well Perfect for you because it baked into the series So now you can ask all the questions that sure you can never answer or it gives you dumb answers So here's the web page for it.
It doesn't do that anymore Should I mean true But now you can integrate that and ask questions away so that you might be able to do away with it But nonetheless 18.2.
I think Marty's gonna love it.
I really do.
Yeah, I'm excited.
We'll see what happens in a couple of weeks Yeah, comes up on 9th of December.
So look for that Obviously 18.3.
There isn't a whole lot in there to look forward to 18.4.
We're gonna have more of a More ability to interact with Siri to interact with things on the phone itself, which might be useful um, I have to see it before I can make any statement on it, but Believe it or not.
There's already discussion of iOS 19 already and The reason I bring this up because every December around this time This is when Apple kind of goes back and to their think tank and think about what's gonna be coming out for the next version Of iOS and so this is usually when they kind of come up with an alpha version of what they're going to be seeing unfortunately, huh, I Thought the way Apple handle 18 was terrible as in we'll just roll out these things over the next year was bad It sounds like they're gonna do the same thing that says they have a good Resource that telling people that iOS 19 that majority of the new features you're going to hear a WWDC and iOS 19 is not going to be available for another year So what I'm saying is that when we hear and I was 19 next year at 2025 the majority of the new features won't be Available to 2026 to this point.
I'm just like give up why why you I don't understand why you're doing this Why are you teasing people?
Used to be known as this is what's gonna come out and this is the day and now you're saying We're just gonna do previews and this is what you should expect in the next year I I just is just so on Apple, you know, we'll just have to see how things go and see how things move forward You know, it's gonna be kind of I don't know.
Well, I mean you guys aren't I mean Do you feel the same way or do you feel like people approach them with an opinion?
Yay or nay?
You know, it has to be a lot of people.
Maybe they would change their their schedule, right?
somebody back behind the scenes must have gotten Apple's ear and Made them think about this this alternative way of releasing things because and they probably went into all kinds of focus groups and you know had had Surveys and so forth because they don't do anything without a survey these days I Think the users maybe if they don't like it should step up and write them and say hey this is not why why we buy iPhones and and Upgrade to iOS we we want stuff because everybody wants it now.
They don't want to wait So if you're not prepared to give it to them now, then don't say anything about it until it's ready Well, yeah, I agree 100% with what just with what John just said because think about this WWDC is the time they announce all the new features So what they've been doing the past few years is announcing, you know Whatever new features they want to announce at WWDC and gets everyone all excited but then realistically it takes them a whole nother year to roll everything out because right now we're going into you know the first of the year really and we're just gonna get the second round of New of new features, you know, we're not even all the way there yet.
There's a bunch of stuff that's not ready yet There's still bugs.
There's all the things, you know So it would be great like John said if they're gonna make announcements of stuff to have them somewhat ready Especially since WWDC they make all the announcements and then they don't actually release the gold master until September October ish depending on the year so, you know, it would be great if we wouldn't have to wait a whole entire year for all these things to actually finally come because Here we are going into the first of the year and March is gonna hit and everyone's gonna start talking about what's coming in June at WWDC again, and I'm going we haven't even got all the stuff from last year, you know So you guys are on the same boat as me I so you're just kind of flustered and just really surprised that Apple is doing the catch-up or Like we're gonna just release it and roll out So, I don't know is it just me or is it just this has been just really disappointing it is disappointing I would be very curious to find out what they're their money situation is with regard to people ordering phones in October October November December Is it down this year because of the change or are people still buying at the rate that they were a year or two ago?
I I have not looked into that so I don't know the answer But we will find out the next quarterly revenue and now last quarter.
They actually were up a little bit I only think that's because the prices has gone up and you're just getting more money out of that device But we'll find out next month But what irks me is that I see Apple commercials all the time touting their go get our latest iPhone 16 that has Apple Intelligent I'm like that was back when I wasn't even out yet and not only that but you're only get 18.1 Apple Intelligent You're like, where is it?
No, it's like this is it that's just I No wonder Tim Cook has been saying yeah, it's not it's not about being first.
It's being the best.
I'm like, right, right that's a that's a good CEO response of to try to Hide the fact that this is not reality.
This is not what people are expecting now Okay, so I'm glad I'm not the only one disappointed.
I'm sure a lot of listeners are disappointed with that, too but you know, I think you guys both an article that was really fascinating was that this talks about exactly what we're talking about and That is there has been talk with an Apple really?
Maybe this is why Of not doing that what they usually have done meaning that every year you need to know that Every September is gonna be a new phone or every March is gonna be the new Mac or whatever that those month we always know to love in the past may change and that makes more sense now, it's a double-edged sword because I Think that they're really talking about maybe Because people say from year to year to years like well, it's not much of an update each year I think Apple starting to realize that so maybe we need to hold back until we have a really big splash That we want to make maybe we should release it every year and a half whatever that is This doesn't tell you specific.
But the point is is that Apple is internally thinking about redoing What we come to love about these keynotes in certain months may change and that makes more sense They need to get back to the root Meaning me that if you have your WWC that iOS is going to have that version if it's not going to be out then don't Tell about the new features and stuff until later and that when you are ready to announce it then announce it So it's interesting that Apple is thinking about changing that and do you guys read that article?
Yeah Well here here is my personal thoughts.
Okay, so over the past few years up until the 15 Right.
We'll talk about phones for a second majority of people don't need a new phone.
People are buying You know 13 14, you know, they don't need a new phone.
They're so powerful now that you don't need to buy a new phone next year There's nothing for the average consumer that is so groundbreaking You know from the 13 to the 14 that they feel like oh my gosh I have to run out and go get a new phone, you know, and because of that sales are slowing down So I feel like they're going alright Well, so if you want to use these features, you don't have to it's not a requirement You'll get a majority of the new features on the phone you already have but if you want the latest and greatest with all the AI stuff then you've got to upgrade to a 16 or something newer, you know depending on when you're looking at right So then that that's one thing and then let's go and let's look at iPads, right?
Somewhere along the way someone says we need to start start putting M chips in the iPad, right?
So now they start out with the M one and when the M one When they had a chip in the M an M one chip in the first iPads Across the board you heard the same thing from everyone.
These iPads are so powerful that there's no software that runs You know on these like there's nothing to for the power, right?
You it's like having all this power but for what reason like there?
There's nothing to go on the iPad that needs this much power and that's what everyone is saying when we had the M one Now we're all the way to the M four and we're still pretty much in the same boat.
There's no reason There's no to have an M four or even an M two necessarily in an iPad What do you need all that power for you know?
And so people aren't needing to have to feel like they want to run out and go buy new stuff every year new hardware every Year because what they have even currently right now if you have an iPad Pro with the M one processor in it It's still so powerful.
You can pretty much do anything you want You don't really need to go out and get a new one I mean for the majority of people so what I think is they're going to do what Thomas said and they're going to start kind of taking a longer roadmap and Developing the hardware and when they release it instead of every year Maybe it'll be every two years or maybe three years depending on what it is, you know They'll probably do phones faster But they'll probably slow down on iPads and like the actual hardware for computers laptops and desktops But what they will do now is they're going to start finding ways to charge a lot more money across the board for all of the services they're going to have to offer because they're going to include chat GPT and they're going to have this and that and they're going to find ways to Have way more software business and make people intrigued to have to pay You know for all the software and all of that kind of stuff So we'll see how it all goes, but that's what I think good point Marty You made some very good points and this is for everybody to kind of just think in your mind and reality There's this is why I see it if they truly think they are going to take a little bit longer to release things I think that's a perfect idea because that will eliminate a lot of the hype over hype that they offer and Not getting in at the day of so that would solve that problem But it's a double-edged sword for them because that means lost revenue So they've always had revenues every single year because they got a every single new product.
I agree with Marty I think the iPhone is not going to be the first one I think here's a good example.
So when we saw the iPhone comes out, what was the one thing that was missing was the ultra?
We're like, where's the new Apple ultra watch and and guess what?
That was the first indication what people started thinking.
Hmm They didn't come out with it.
And I think we're gonna start seeing that and certain products So I think the watch for sure it's going to be more take slow down.
I think the iPad is going to slow down Computers, I'm gonna find that going to be the second of the last thing to slow down because the computers the way they do they're They're blowing the doors off everybody and I think they want to keep that command And if you get a 30% increase every single year on a chip Holy geez, I would keep putting the pedal down to the metal until you get to like Intel where they only get like 10 15 percent different each year.
It's not worth it if we're processing but Marty also make a good point.
Those iPads are so overpowered.
It's like having a Dodge Hellcat car going through a school zone.
You got all that power But you can't use it because you're going through the school zone You can only do 20 miles per hour and you got all that thing under the hood.
It's just not being used Yeah, they're gonna tout gaming and that's that's why they said that's where the processor come in I'm thinking a majority of people don't use it for that kind of a gaming and a lot of people I think that Apple's even realizing that I was reading here that they're they're Disappointed on on their number of people actually using for a gaming device.
So it's not going as well as they want.
But anywho I think in order for them to prolong things I think things are prices are gonna have to come up because they're gonna be losing that revenue and they're gonna have to make It up somewhere else.
And so I guarantee you they're gonna they're gonna stick it to us somewhere Somehow maybe that goes back to a couple months back when I talked about would you pay for AI for Apple intelligence?
Because I was talking about how that might be a new service.
Maybe that's what they're already thinking down the road map It's like alright, we're gonna delay These iPhones but it's gonna cost them and you're gonna have to pay for it in services somewhere somehow Yeah, I think Marty's right there you're they're able to extend when it comes to the computers their technology and they're able to Really utilize it to its fullest ability without spending a huge amount of money and have a lot of options because look at They don't they haven't changed That the last thing they changed was the errors and the pro right and they change those and they've been sticking with that design But look what they've done now that chip is so powerful that you can go in and for the average person you can get You know an m2 chip still and they've changed the base to 16 gigs of RAM without even charging any more money So you can literally walk into a store an Apple store and you can choose.
Okay, what do I do?
what kind of power do I need and Honestly, even if you get a baseline and the baseline m2 MacBook Air with 16 gigs of RAM is what it is right now That's gonna do more than a majority of people need it to do I mean, it's so overpowered that the average person.
What do you do you write papers as a student?
You do email browse the web listen to music, you know, whatever like it's so overpowered So you're looking at an m2 with 16 gigs of RAM If you need a little bit more power you get an m3 and if you need like way more power you get an m4 You know But they're able to you're saving a lot of money doing that too because I was just looking for a MacBook Air for my wife I looked at an m2 chip and they were like six hundred and some odd dollars for a new MacBook Air m2 I was like actually and you could still get an m1 But the only for unfortunate thing about the m1 is they still only have 8 gigs of RAM But even if you get an m1 with 8 gigs of RAM to do the basic stuff It's gonna blow the doors off the majority of computers out there like you're not gonna get a Windows machine That's gonna be that powerful that strong and last that long, you know for 600 bucks Exactly.
It's gonna be a lot more bang for the buck If you got an m2 then you if you were to get a three-year-old Intel chip on a Windows No doubt about it because that chip will be outdated in a couple years where the m2 It will you give you another four or five years of life on that before you can't update the OS on it So big difference between the two they're not updating, you know the computers, you know as much But they're making a lot more options you can walk in and get a Mac now at a reasonable price and have something more powerful than anything on the market where it Used to be you got to pay thousands of dollars just to get in at an entry level.
It's not like that anymore So that's the one thing I think that they've looked at going All right, we don't need to update the hardware really all that much, but we now have a choice for everyone I mean look at this new Mac mini you can get in it What six hundred bucks for an m4 with 16 gigs of RAM and yeah, it's only 256 on the SSD But you can get external hard drives all day long.
You can get cloud all day long, right?
And you can get by with that.
I mean and if you really really really wanted more internal, you know Hardware or you know hard drive space.
It's a couple hundred bucks to get it up to 512 But it's still gonna be so overpowered.
It's gonna last forever I mean like true.
So this is people got all kinds of here You have all sorts of things holidays coming up and that's one thing you should think about is looking at the the M2s and ones I think the m2s are definitely where you want to be except for the Mac mini You just stick with the m4 for that price But the point is is that don't be surprised to start seeing some products taking longer or not being updated every year as you expect and I think you're gonna slowly but surely see that and I think this is a Just to show you and I'll leave the article in the show note for you to read about that How they want to maybe change the road map?
From what we used to know but speaking of the holidays my friends, let's start to close up now I decided to close things up There's a couple things the first thing is Apple released each issue.
So first of all Apple music released the best 100 albums of all time.
Gosh, I think back in the summer and I I was just totally Flabbergastic that if you look at this top 100, I was so disappointed with it But the point is is that Apple decided they're gonna release a special limited time Limited series books 1500 of these Apple books of the best 100 albums of all time And it's a book that you can get for your table or your coffee table and you see you guys see the price of this thing $450 for a buck.
Yeah, that's that what's gonna be our Christmas present from you Books that they didn't sell I'll sell have Apple send me they're the ones that didn't sell and I'll send it to you guys 450 but How much it cost them to make that book, mm-hmm probably not It can't be that much.
I mean my god, I was one of those Idiots that bought the Apple polishing cloth, you know, it's $20.
Have you seen these polishing cloth?
It can't be more than I don't know five by five inches.
Yeah, but it has an Apple logo on it It has this really itty bitty little imprint of an Apple logo at the very bottom left hand corner You couldn't even feel it.
You couldn't even see if you weren't looking for it.
So yeah, so anyway $450 for an Apple book of the best 100 albums of the year, which I think was I Was terrible because if you look at it, it seems like they didn't pick any bands before the 80s It's like all those artists didn't exist before the 80s.
I was like what in the this like so I if you're not into music and then This is wait wait six months and you can get it for ten bucks on Kindle Costco or something $450 oh my god until December 26 and you're gonna see him on sale for three hundred seventy-five dollars Lowest ever I was just stunned.
I was like my god only Apple could get away with this I I don't know I would like to know if they sold a fraction of it ten percent of I would be surprised if it did but who knows but So that's out there for your holidays gift.
The other two items I have I'm gonna share with you The other one I've been looking at and eyeballing I know a lot of you guys probably think I'm crazy, but I'll put in a YouTube link to a Nintendo Alarm clock, so I'm a Nintendo fan.
I love Nintendo games and they made alarm.
Oh, it's a it's an a Motion action alarm.
So when you When this alarm goes off, it'll detect if you're getting up or not and I'll start doing weird Noises gets louder and things and it's all Nintendo based So if you get up slowly you can hear you're grabbing the coins like you do in Mario World ago ding ding ding ding and then the more you get up and start running around it starts You're just collecting coins like crazy.
It's just I think it's just pretty I love this So if you're looking for something that's 99 bucks, I know it's not cheap but if you're a Nintendo fanatic like myself or if you have family that are take a look at the Nintendo alarm and then the last one when you get up in the middle of the night and you got to go to the bathroom Is it gonna start going?
No, it doesn't do that.
It's just only when you get up on the alarm thankfully I saw that on the web page that you sent out a couple of months ago.
It's pretty interesting to watch that demo Ain't that funny just to listen to it's just really cute.
It's just it's Nintendo style.
It's just so everything about it that they've done is is great touch it's cute is Fascinating and it's it does keep you into that commercial watching.
It's like wow Lastly, I this is a hidden secret one So I know some of my family do listen to this and some don't the ones that don't are probably not gonna hear this So anyway, I'm gonna tell you what I'm doing.
This year is a prank.
So Thomas is famous for pranking his family So I found this gorgeous Meowie Christmas card.
It is a Christmas card.
It's a prank card see so it's by Joker's greetings card and so what this card is is you sign the card and you put this into the envelope and you pull the tag and then you seal it up and you mail it off and When that person gets it when they open it, they're gonna have this meowie Christmas So you hear this cat just singing a Christmas song but the problem is it won't stop It'll just keep meowing for hours on end You cannot get it shut up and the best part of it is that if you try to douse it in water When it's waterproof so you can't you can't destroy it that way and my favorite If the only options you have is to rip out the battery that makes sense, right?
It's it's got a glitter bomb within the battery So if they rip it open the glitter bomb goes off and then glitter goes all over the place.
So that Yeah, yeah, I bet I'll be invited to come clean but that is mine I'm gonna be sending that out to random this might be the last Christmas present you ever send out to your family Yeah, I'm not sure if I want to be one of your good friends or not.
I Damn now you guys already know what I'm sending you darn it Yeah, so there's a link in the show note of the YouTube to that item So you can hear for yourself what it sounds like and if you are Interested in ordering one get it is awesome.
I'm gonna have a heyday.
I'm waiting all the time only 450 bucks, right?
But it'll be on sale if you wait till the 26th I've originally is a little costly as 12 bucks a card That's not much more than the cards.
You have to buy in grocery stores these days That's true.
And this and this actually doesn't stop.
So, I mean see it's got one advantage.
Yeah So that's my closing of the of the month I wanted to kind of introduce a few things for people to think about and if you're interested in go for that items Look in the show.
No, mr.
John, what do you got?
So you got a new ice?
iPhone 16 Pro Matt or a pro.
So you're probably pretty sick for Christmas.
Yeah, that's all I'm gonna spend for That's all you're gonna get for yourself.
Oh, yeah, probably Don't really need anything special not gonna treat yourself you're retired and you're being fugal or fugal Well, I mean, I just spent I spent money paying off my my cruise to Hawaii next year.
So that's So we're not you're going on cruise.
Yeah, we're not flying we're literally cruising from from The port near LA to Hawaii and back.
So it's about a 15 or 16 day cruise.
So that oh wow It's a good chunk of money, but it'll be a lot of fun.
But you know, that's You didn't get anything.
That's perfect.
You got a new phone and you got a Hawaiian cruise out of the to please cruise But I matter that's awesome.
And I'll take my take my zoom recorder with me and we'll see what happens Oh What what cruise line?
Oh, you're going on the princess.
Okay, so y'all you'll have to let me know what you think of it And is there any port stops?
Oh lots of them.
Oh So along the Baja, I'm guessing Us or is it all Hawaii?
It's all Hawaii.
Oh That's awesome.
Stop all the different big islands.
Oh, that would be beautiful.
That's awesome Yeah should be a lot and you've been to Hawaii One time about 50 years ago with my sister and my mom when she was still alive and and my brother Larry And I so yeah, I've been there lots of looking for shit.
They're looking forward to going back again.
A lot has changed.
I'm sure That doesn't show your age.
One fifty years ago.
We want to bring my cane with me this time Geez Marty What about you Marty?
Will you do you treat yourself to anything or ask for anything specific you want?
Yeah, I got the 16 Pro so I got that and I've been having fun playing with that.
I picked up into The series for the higher of the two with the noise cancellation and all that air pods.
I'm good Oh, yes.
Yeah, so I've been having fun with that.
I do have a little bit of new audio gear I got but you know other than that I'm good.
Oh new audio gear is kind of a big thing That's what you do best and that's what you gotta have right?
Yeah, but you know for you, man Yeah, having fun with it just you know doing my thing having fun.
So I well This is going to be for this month Applevis crunch for December November.
It's not December yet, Tom for 2024 we are Want to wish all of you a happy holidays because by the time we come back It'll be the end of the year already and we already gone through all the holiday at that point Well, not everything but the New Year's Eve.
I suppose we'll be back before then but happy holidays everybody Take care and season's greetings.
Have a good holiday everyone
Rotten apple?
Do like the podcast that Thomas does and had use it and recommend them to people. Well looks like every apple have some bad according to the team!! Nice discussion on the feedback from us, will be interested to see if there is inclusive within the team? Team is great before someone jump on me but it can be better. All ways encourage people to check applevis in my blind apple email list to check this place.
ChatGPT desktop for Windows
For the guy looking for a desktop shortcut for this, here's how to do it.
Type shell:appsfolder into the run dialogue box. Then you'll be presented with a massive list of apps, just find ChatGPT, right click on it, and find 'create shortcut'. Windows will ask you if you want to create a desktop shortcut, then just hit 'yes'.
Hope that helps.
the script with this is bad.
I've not checked out the podcast but thought i'd give the script a little read to see what's going on.
In my oppinion, if you're going to do the script thing then you need to search for something better. it's an interesting idea but when it lacks punctuation and you guys admit it's not formatted, that's just bad.
I understand you do this for the deafblind if I remember correctly, I think you, as in the applevis team, should ask those members what they think.
I'd rate this script survice a 2 out of 10, the fact it can transcribe audio is cool but apart from that, it doesn't have much going for it.
If it's your ownly mode of communication then it's better than nothing, and I do know things will improve over the years, I just thought i'd put my thoughts out there and see what happens going forward.
Hi Brad,
We appreciate your feedback.
We believe that an imperfect transcript is better than no transcript at all, and thus we will continue to offer transcripts in our podcasts and improve our offerings as the technology evolves. We currently use Aiko/Whisper for machine translation of our podcasts. As AI transcription goes, this is currently the best option we are aware of. We will continue to monitor the landscape and pursue new opportunities as they become available.
Thanks for the response.
I'm glad to see that the team is willing to improve if new things come out.
I also understand where you're coming from and thought that would be your response.