In this month's edition of AppleVis Unleashed, Thomas Domville, Randy Rusnakk and Mike Malarsie get together to talk about recent Apple news and topics of interest.
Topics featured in this podcast include:
The AppleVis Community Inducts Seeing AI and Weather Gods into its iOS App Hall of Fame
Apple's Q2 2018: 52.2M iPhones, 9.1M iPads, $61.1B revenue
Apple making Everyone Can Code curriculum accessible to blind and deaf
What to expect at WWDC 2018: Dates, tickets & product announcements
Looking for BETA testers
Tip: How To Tell if Your iPhone Was Originally Purchased New, Refurbished, Replacement, or (Fancy!) Personalized
Tip: How To Remove Old Inactive Devices From Find My iPhone
You can contact the Unleashed Team with feedback or questions at [email protected].