In this episode, Tyler demonstrates how to enable severe weather notifications on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. With this feature enabled for a supported location, the weather app will notify you whenever the weather authority for that location has issued a severe weather alert, such as a storm watch or storm warning.
To enable this feature in the Weather app on iOS and iPadOS, double-tap the "Manage notifications" button near the bottom of the screen, and toggle the "severe weather" switch on to enable notifications for your current location, or double-tap a location under the "your locations" heading to access the same options for that location, if it is supported. To do the same in the Weather app on macOS, choose Weather > Settings (or press Command-Comma), click the Notifications button in the toolbar, and select the "Severe weather" checkbox to enable notifications for your current location, or interact with the collection under the "your locations" heading to access the same options for locations in your location list, if those locations are supported.
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Hey, Apple Visors, Tyler here, with a quick tip for how to enable severe weather notifications on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.
With this feature enabled for a supported location, the weather app will notify you whenever the weather authority for that location has issued a severe weather alert, such as a storm watch or storm warning.
To enable severe weather notifications on iOS and iPadOS, open the weather app, double tap the manage notifications button, and toggle the severe weather switch on.
So to demonstrate that, I'm going to open the weather app on my iPhone, and I would expect at this point to be able to perform a four finger single tap near the bottom of the screen, and then swipe left with one finger, however, that does not seem to work at the time of recording, February 2025.
And so for that reason, I'm going to scroll up with three fingers to go to the last page.
Now perform a four finger single tap near the bottom of the screen, swipe left, manage notifications, double tap that, swipe right, current location, severe weather, that's on for me.
If it's off for you and you want to turn it on, just double tap it.
If I swipe right, next our precipitation, if you want that, you just turn it on the same way.
And if I swipe right again, there's some information, right again, and these are the locations you have in your location list.
So in my case, I have Boston.
So I have severe weather turned on for Boston, if I double tap, I have the same thing, severe weather switched on for me, next our precipitation switch button, next our precipitation.
If I go back, notifications back button, Boston, severe weather, here I am back on the main manage notification screen.
So I'm going to double tap the done button, done button, home, Kate Elizabeth.
So here I am back on the main screen of the weather app.
So I'm going to go home now.
So now severe weather notifications are enabled for the weather app on my iPhone.
So now to demonstrate on Mac OS, I'm going to switch to my Mac and open the weather app.
And I could choose settings from the menu bar or just press command comma, which is what I'm going to do.
And via a little left arrow for the toolbar, interact, via right to notifications, stop interacting, via right, severe weather on, if it's off for you and you want to turn it on, just press via space, next our precipitation, same as it is on iOS.
And similar for other locations, just via right, Boston, severe weather, precipitation, and any other locations you have in your locations list will appear in this collection.
So that's how to enable severe weather notifications on iOS, iPad OS, and Mac OS.
Now keep in mind, it's not the same as the carrier facilitated government alert notifications on iOS.
If you want to change those settings, you'd go into notifications.
These are notifications simply for severe weather, not all of which result in activation of the emergency alert system, which are separate notifications.
So I find another convenient thing about this feature is I don't have to interact with the weather app to view details about the alert, because if I open the notification, it opens a page in Safari, which I find easier to navigate than containers or hierarchies in the weather app.
Hope you found this helpful.