In this podcast, BlindEducator introduces us to The Inquisitor Audiogame Adventure, a newly-released game for iOS.
In this audio game, The Inquisitor is called to investigate an obscure case, beyond heresy, that reveals a new face of Evil. He must tackle many arduous tasks, make many painful choices, and take on terrible creatures. Providing a rich 3D audio experience, this game offers upto 8 hours of gameplay.
BlindEducator shows us the beginning of this game, allowing us to gain an insight into how you play and navigate. Although he only demonstrates a small part of the game, you might want to consider just how much of this you listen to if you are planning to buy and play the game yourself.
The Inquisitor Audiogame Adventure is available for $13.99 from the iTunes App Store.
By AppleVis, 4 March, 2013

Podcast File
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